Vol3 full dive rpg shitty fuck

"Silence, you criminals!" With a dull thud, a guard struck Tesla. After that, everyone lynched Tesla like a mob.

"Sto-op it!" Van cried out in tears. I was taken aback by the sight.

"Well, well, well done for this town."

"Ah, yes. But, not too much." Bob and Casey showed full-faced smiles.

"Yes. As Hiro told us, we'll make them pay for their sins slowly and thoroughly without killing them."

The two were cheerful, but their eyes were somewhat moist.

"Now, take the criminals away."

Amos ordered, and Tesla and Gavan were dragged away towards the ground. Watching that, Amos licked his lips and laughed vulgarly.

"Hehehe... It's my era from now on!"


As Demos and Haru walked away, Poboa and Casey followed, leading the rest. When they passed by me, I heard the two of them sigh.

"Amos is saying it. From now on..."

"Yes. It's our turn...!"

At the guard station, Bob and Casey walked away without hitting me once. Their sideways glances were unlike anything I had seen before.

"What the hell, even though I liberated this town, I don't feel refreshed at all. Even relatively decent characters like Casey and Bob have transformed into something dangerous."

"One evil falls, and another is born. Next, they might replace Tesla and Gavan and lead this town in a bad direction."

"So what I did... Ah, I didn't want to see such a scene. What the hell is this! Can't it be a little more refreshing story?"

As Mizalisa said, I was racking my brain over the irrationality of punishing Tesla and Gavan. As I was doing so, Reona-san landed on my shoulder.

"Well then, Hiro-kun. Let's get out of this town of Ted."



"You, as a player, can break through this deadlock in the town of Ted! This is a wonderful thing!"
Reona-san showed a full-faced smile, just then. The pendant I was wearing in front of me began to light up.
"Look! The honor and glory are also in the title."
"Honor and... glory...?"
So, finally, I also got a cool title like Camui.
"It's the usual unpleasant..."
"It's not that, right?"
I noticed, Reona-san was ignoring me! The pendant was engraved with an unpleasant feeling.
I threw the pendant on the ground. What is the honor and glory that is engraved?
"Let's go, Reona."
"Are you completely ignoring things that are inconvenient for you?"
Reona-san really ignored me and flew around innocently.
"Parental murder servant" or something like that was a relatively decent title!
But there's no point in being down. After changing my mood and picking up the pendant, I approached Alicia.
"Shall we go, Alicia?"
"Huh? Where are we going?"
"We're leaving the town of Ted. Let's go together."
The last time I played, I knew Alicia's true feelings before she died. I, who had killed Martin, knew that she had already forgiven me. So this invitation was a very natural thing for me, but Alicia had a deep wrinkle between her eyebrows.
"So, you say it as a matter of course. Do I have a reason to follow Hiro?"
"Hahaha! I know! If I'm about to be killed, you'll help me, right? You're really kind, Alicia!"
Alicia, blushing, put her hand on my shoulder and laughed.

"I'll be counting on you from now on, Hiro!"

"Shut up, you self-centered sadist!"

I looked at the heretical guest house with a saw in my hand on a white day.
"Mizarisa, don't you have a little shame? After all, an NPC's girl's day, such a thing..."

You know, Hiro-kun. I've said it many times, but Kiwaku E is a game faithful to reality. It faithfully reproduces even the physiological phenomena of the human body."
"Eh? Is that really so because it's an NPC..."
It's a serious matter for people who are asked about such things and are not ashamed of it. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I'm sorry..."
No, that's not it! What I want to say is, is there a need to give NPCs physiological phenomena? That's what I mean!
I didn't fall at all, but while I was doing this, Alicia came back. Mizarisa had her luggage on her shoulder.

"Well then, let's set off."
In the end, we moved to the south gate without knowing what Alicia had done.

I inadvertently let out a word at the spectacular sight in front of me. The strong iron bars were crushed like paper, and the other side was visible. The gate, which was free to enter and exit, was indeed a gate. One-Eye had invaded the city of Tedd, and this place was destroyed.

It stands. When Oku approached, it was darkened.

"I've heard the story. From now on, you are free to enter and exit the city of Tedd. Please go ahead."

The guard moved his position smoothly. Seeing that, I was moved.

"Oh, the chain town has been lifted = Can I finally get out of Tedd? It's been a long time."

The hardships of the past flashed through my mind like a revolving lantern. Well, it's just the first town to leave! If it was a normal RPG, it would start and end in a thousand!

But it's definitely deeply emotional. I filled the gate, crossed the stone bridge over the moat. Not only me, but Alicia and Mizarisa also seemed a little excited.

"This is the outside of the city of Tedd..."

"It's my first time..."

Both of them had their eyes wide open. It was the first time for both of them to leave the city.

When we crossed the moat, we were in the world of Kiwaku E, which had unnecessarily good graphics. The lush grass underfoot was filled with the smell of wild grass. In the distance, a creature like a rabbit was hopping around.

Somehow, I'm getting excited too!

"Open world!"

I shouted without thinking.
"Wait a minute,"

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound of grass being pushed aside. Just a few seconds after leaving the city of Tedd, I was surrounded by four goblins!

"Ya, Yaba! Back technique..."
But there was no time for that, and the goblins with weapons jumped at me from all directions at once!

No, wait... it's a lie... the moment I left the town, it was game over.

Even though my tension was high, my actions in this shitty full-dive RPG were almost perfectly reckless. The goblins outside the town still don't know that this eye and humans have reconciled. It's only natural that they harbor murderous intent towards humans.

"H, Hiro..."

I hear Alicia's panicked voice. Even if I use a secret technique, it doesn't mean my defense power will increase. If I take a goblin's attack, it's instant death.

"No, I won't make it in time!"

It was at that moment when I was prepared to die.


The monster's bones creaked, and the goblins that had jumped at me all stopped moving at once. I followed the gaze of the goblins to see what had happened. A little away, on a small hill.

One-Eye was there with the children. When One-Eye made a motion as if to shake off his arm, the goblins surrounding me retreated with a sullen look.

Mizarisa smiled.

"He drove them away, Hirocchi is grateful, isn't he!"
"I, I was saved..."


After that, One-Eye followed me wherever I went. And whenever a goblin showed signs of attacking, he would shout out and suppress it each time.
Leona-san, who had been quietly watching the situation, eventually sighed as if she was relieved.

"I knew it... this is the optimal route, isn't it?"

"Leona-san. What do you mean?"

"There are several conditions to leave the town of Tedd. Among them, there was a method called "leave the town after increasing the trust from Gaban", wasn't there? That was the theory among the players at the time."

"Oh, Oberdain's foundation..."

"But you know. Even if you spent a lot of time and effort and somehow got Gaban's permission, the survival rate after leaving the town was extremely low. The carriage arranged by Gaban was attacked by goblins, and even the escort guards were killed by goblins. The field after crossing the moat was called "Hell's Goblin Road".

Leona-san let out a deep sigh.

"Most of the real players who left the town broke their hearts here. I mean, think about it? After spending half a year completing various requests and somehow getting out, it's instant death. Oh, by the way, half a year is not in-game time, but real half a year."

"Really, it's a shitty game, Kiwaku E..."

"Yeah. But by defeating Tesla and Gaban, the goblins' anger subsides. Furthermore, in Hiro-kun's case this time, One-Eye is acting as a bodyguard and protecting you. It's the best route."

Surely, knowing the talk of the town of Tedd and clearing it was a perfect clear in the early stages, as Camui said! Maybe there was a reward for the hardships!

Suddenly, I was curious about something and asked Leona-san, who was floating.

"By the way, Leona-san, how far were you able to capture when you were a player?"

"I managed to get out of Tedd. That was my limit."

So Leona-san was also instantly killed by goblins when she left the town...

Suddenly, I noticed that Leona-san was asking a lonely question.


"Ah... Hiro-kun, do your best! I'll support you with all my might!"

And then, as always, she smiled mischievously. Maybe it was just my imagination that she looked lonely.
But I shrugged in disbelief.

"Really, you're leaving it to others."

"As an advisor, I'm researching the information ahead! If there's anything you don't understand, please ask me anything!"

As I was walking and talking with Leona-san, Mizarisa was giving me a curious look.

"Hirocchi, you talk to yourself a lot, don't you?"

"No, no! This is..."

As I tried to make an excuse, Alicia sighed in annoyance.

"Hiro has the protection of a fairy. That's who he's talking to."

"A fairy? There's no such thing."

"It's true. It's something that hurt my eyes a long time ago."

"Hmm, I can't believe it right away."

"Not everything is what you see. In fact, my dead brother is always by my side."

Alicia looked up at the clear sky with a rare gentle expression. She must be feeling the presence of Martin nearby.

"That's right. Even as a spirit, Martin is protecting us."

I said with deep emotion, but Alicia looked at me with a terrifying face.

"By the way, you're the one who made my brother a spirit."

"Hi, yes... I'm sorry..."

"Hey, Hiro-kun. The grassland is about to end soon."

At Leona-san's words, I looked around in surprise. We must have walked along the wild path for about ten minutes. Ahead, I could see a dense forest.

Oh! A forest next time! Maybe I'll meet a new monster!

"I want to see this far."

When I turned around at Mizarisa's words, I saw that One-Eye and his children were standing in a place that had been passed down. Leona-san spoke to me over my shoulder.

"Normally, by the time you get here, you would have lost your life to the attacks of wild goblins. You have to be grateful to One-Eye."

"Yes, Leona-san. Please wait a moment."

When I ran up to One-Eye and called out to him,

"Thank you for protecting me!"

I don't think my words got through. But I really wanted to say thank you. I felt like One-Eye nodded a little too.

I laughed and put my hand on the head of One-Eye's child. When I did, that...

"Eeeeeeeeh! What are you doing, Hiro-kun?"

Leona-san flew over with a blood-curdling look on her face. As I blew on my bloody right hand, Alicia and the others turned pale.

"That was totally Hirocchi's fault. Trying to pet a goblin's head, I can't believe it's sane. You're lucky you didn't get your arm taken off."

"No, but! I thought we had become friends!"

But Leona-san also had a disgusted expression.

"They're monsters. It's impossible for humans and monsters to understand each other from the bottom of their hearts."

That's also real, huh? It would have been nice if they had let us part in a touching way. I really hate this part of Kiwaku E.
"Let's switch our feelings. The Goblin Road of Hell is over. This is the real thing. To get to Flora Castle, we have to cross this forest."
Before I knew it, the sun was beginning to set. The forest, illuminated by the setting sun, seemed eerie and gave me the chills. Alicia also had her sharp eyes on the forest.
"I've heard rumors. When you get through the grassland, there's a forest where orcs live..."
"O, Orc!"

What came to my mind was a sour-looking pig monster. Depending on the game, orcs have different appearances, some look like boars or upper arms, and some are close to humans. However, no matter what they look like, they are not as strong as goblins in a normal RPG.

But in Kiwaku E, probably...

Leona-san, who seemed to have sensed my swallowed feelings, spoke in a serious tone.
"I don't think it's good to tell the future of the game, but I'll warn you. Orcs are enemies of a higher rank than goblins. In the normal route, after leaving Tedd, the players who managed to get out of the Goblin Road of Hell and reach the forest are about 1%. From there, less than 3% can get out of this orc forest."

"Eh. Orcs are so strong that they break the game balance. By the way, at that time, there were many players who were hurt by orcs."

I imagined that. But that's prejudice, right?

Leona-san was staring at me with a serious look.

"Really, Hiro-kun! You're reading too much erotic doujinshi!"

"No, no, I'm not!"

"Even though Kiwaku E is rated ZZ, monsters don't commit excessive sexual violence against female players. At most, they take off their clothes and grope their breasts."

I see, so that's it...
Reona, small as she was, pushed my back with both hands as I wandered around in confusion.

"If Hiro-kun, who broke through Ted with his real strength, can do it, I'm sure it'll be fine!"

Well, I do have a bit of confidence now that I can use my secret techniques. Besides, there's no point in standing still here...

"Alright! Let's go!"

While encouraging myself, I told Alicia and Mizarisa. Then, I took a step into the Oak Forest with Kousou. And at that moment, I felt something strange wrapping around my right foot!


At the same time, my body began to rise against gravity!


The world turned upside down, and the trees lined up looked upside down. When I saw the vine wrapped around my right foot from the big tree, I finally realized that I was being hung upside down.


Reona-san, with a worried look on her face, also looked upside down. I was about three meters above the ground. It was quite difficult to support my entire weight with just my right foot. But I didn't feel much pain.

So now, rather than my own situation, I was distracted by the monster that appeared between the trees.

A pig's head with a sour look. In front of its prey, it drools from the gaps between its yellow, dirty fangs. There is little hair on its body, and it has a dull red skin, and it wears a woven waistcloth. In its arms, as thick as my thighs, it held a huge club.

The orc of Kiwakue was, as I first imagined, an upper pig type monster. However, its graphics are as real as a wild animal. But I don't have the luxury of admiring the graphics. The orc is alive and kicking. It's a creature created by the will of the people. In other words...

"Damn it! I got caught in this thing's trap right off the bat!"

As soon as I entered the forest with enthusiasm, I was hung upside down in the orc's trap. Mizarisa's exasperated voice echoed from the next tree.

"What are you doing, Hirocchi? You need to be more careful. This forest is the hunting ground of the orcs."


It's a valid opinion. However...

"You're caught too, aren't you?"

I shouted at Mizarisa, who was also hanging upside down from the next tree, her twin tails dangling. No, you're not one to talk!

"Really, what are you guys doing?"

Alicia looked up at us from the ground with a cold gaze. That's right. Except for Reona-san, everyone in the party is safe.

"Pffft, hahaha."

The orc swung its thick club around and approached the tree where we were caught.

"This is bad! I'm going to be turned into a sandwich!"

I reached out to the sword at my waist. I managed to pull it out, but because I was upside down, I couldn't stabilize it. I might accidentally cut my own leg. Mizarisa was also struggling with her unstable body.

"Leave it to me!"

Reona-san, who sensed the situation, flew to my side. She started to fight with the vine that had caught me.
"Please! I beg you!"

Reona, who is usually not very useful, was truly grateful at this time. Furthermore,

"I... I hate ugly creatures."

Alicia, holding a fruit knife, stood between the approaching orc and the tree where we were hung. Oh! After all, she's going to help us even though she says otherwise!

"Be careful, Alicia!"

I said intending to cheer her on, but she gave me a cold look.

"Hmph. Who are you talking to?"

Alicia was full of confidence. But then, with a whoosh, the orc swung its club. A blow that could crush my head. However, Alicia stepped back and dodged the club.

"What power! If that hit, it would be instant death!"

I shivered, imagining Alicia's bad end.

"Reona-san! Is it still not ready?"

"Hmm. This is a bit of a double knot. I wonder if the orc did it."

It seemed like it would take some time. Ugh! Alicia is in danger like this!

But, my nervousness only lasted until the third attack. As I watched Alicia dodge the attacks with a nonchalant, cool face, I gradually felt relieved.

"Sure, it has power. But this pig, it's much slower than a goblin."

Alicia analyzed calmly while avoiding the attacks. That's right. Alicia is outstanding in speed. For Alicia, who can keep up with the king of goblins, One-Eye, dodging the orc's attacks was a piece of cake.

"Because you're the one who attacked."

She crossed the fruit knife in front of her chest.

Her special move rained down on the orc's huge body! Due to the lacerations from the knife, blood of a deep color spurted out from all over the orc's body!
She coldly coughed, sliding the fruit knife she had against its neck sideways. The orc spewed a large amount of blood from its neck, and it collapsed while letting out a death cry.
"No way, Alicia is really strong!

"Hiro, don't rush in recklessly. That woman will get killed."

The orc has his thick arm around Alicia's neck. If he puts his full strength into it, her neck bones would be crushed in an instant.

"That pig is even more ruthless than a goblin."

Mizarisa had cut in line before me, but she's a hostage. It seems like there's some sort of camaraderie.

Leona-san flies to my ear.

"Hiro-kun! I have some advice too! Watch out for the orc's club!"

"Yeah, I got it! If I get hit, it's instant death, right?"

"No, that's not it! If you lose, you'll get that thing shoved up your butt!"

"What? Are you kidding? Is that really going to happen?"

"There are male players who have died from the orc's anal rupture technique! Be careful!"

I've heard of such a technique for the first time, and it's more disgusting than I imagined!
"I ready my sword and put on a brave face... My heart is pounding fiercely.

Honestly, I never thought it would turn out like this.
"Leona-san smiles, but... is this what you call being energetic? Well, I'm glad Alicia isn't hurt..."
When I turned my eyes from Alicia, I saw an even more unbelievable sight.

Scattered around Mizarisa were the arms, legs, and torso of the orc! The orc I had defeated was torn to pieces!

"No way, what are you doing?"

"I made sure to finish it off! It would be a problem if it revived!"

"I cut off the orc's head, didn't I? Isn't that overkill?"

Looking at the scattered orc's dismembered corpse and the large amount of blood, I felt a strong urge to vomit.

"Ugh! I'm gonna puke!"

"What's wrong, Hiro-kun?"

"No, I can't handle this... Ugh, ugh..."

"Oh, come on. You're a boy, aren't you?"

"No, normally, when you defeat a monster, it disappears in a puff of smoke. It's not supposed to remain... and in pieces... Ugh, ugh!"

While I was feeling sick, Leona-san smiled kindly.

"It can't be helped. In this case, I'll show you my true ability that I've been hiding."


"I didn't want to use it as much as possible in Kiwakue, which pursues realism. Using this might dilute the realism. But for the sake of advancing Hiro-kun's conquest! Let's take off a layer here!"

Is it a cheat-like ability? Does Leona-san have such a power?

"Look! This is the true value of the store bonus! Uoryaaaaaa!"

As Leona-san shouted, she pointed both hands at the dismembered corpse of the orc! Then...

"Wha... what is this?"

The dismembered corpse of the orc, which had been scattered around, suddenly became blurry and hard to see! I can barely make out the color and shape, but overall, it's hazy!

"Fufufu! I can apply a filter to the target! This is my ability, 'Mosaic A-Go-Go'!"

I was completely taken aback by Leona-san's ability, which was completely different from what I had imagined.

"What is that, that ridiculous ability!"

"It's not ridiculous! From a thick blur where the subject is almost invisible, to a light blur where you can barely see it if you squint, I can freely choose the type of mosaic!"

It's still ridiculous, isn't it?

"True ability?"

With that said, Mizarisa and Alicia began to gather the mosaic-processed orc's corpse, which was scattered here and there.

"Eh? What are you doing?"

"I've heard rumors! Orc materials sell for a high price!"

Ah, that's what it is. Indeed, in this full-dive RPG, defeating a monster doesn't turn it into gold or drop items.

Leona-san crossed her arms and nodded slightly.

"That's right, Hiro-kun. This is Kiwakue's way of collecting items. Let's help Mizarisa and the others."

I approached the two of them with trepidation. Thanks to Leona-san's ability, Mizarisa's arm, which was covered in blood, and Alicia were mosaicked.

"Hiro, I need your help over here."
When Alicia, who had said that to me, looked up at me, I was surprised. Did she get splattered with blood in the battle? Alicia...

"Leona-san, what is your 'true ability'?"

In the midst of all this, the pendant on my chest began to glow again.

"Hiro-kun. This time, a title worthy of you will be given. To conquer the world of Kiwakue using cheats, a true title worthy of a unique player..."

"True title...!"

Leona-san, who was excited, continued.

"In short, the weak remain weak! But the strong can become even stronger! The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer! This is the Matthew effect!"

No, I don't understand what you're saying. What are you talking about, Leona-san? It's PP, but... is that so?

That's when it happened. My pendant began to glow again.

"Hiro-kun. Now a title worthy of you will be given. A true title for a unique player who conquers the world of Kiwakue using cheats..."

"True title...!"

Leona-san, who was excited, continued.

"In short, the weak remain weak! But the strong can become even stronger! The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer! This is the Matthew effect!"

No, I don't understand what you're saying. What are you talking about, Leona-san? It's PP, but... is that so?

That's when it happened. My pendant began to glow again.

"Hiro-kun. Now a title worthy of you will be given. A true title for a unique player who conquers the world of Kiwakue using cheats..."

"True title...!"

Leona-san, who was excited, continued.

"In short, the weak remain weak! But the strong can become even stronger! The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer! This is the Matthew effect!"

No, I don't understand what you're saying. What are you talking about, Leona-san? It's PP, but... is that so?

That's when it happened. My pendant began to glow again.

"Hiro-kun. Now a title worthy of you will be given. A true title for a unique player who conquers the world of Kiwakue using cheats..."

"True title...!"

Leona-san, who was excited, continued.

"In short, the weak remain weak! But the strong can become even stronger! The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer! This is the Matthew effect!"

No, I don't understand what you're saying. What are you talking about, Leona-san? It's PP, but... is that so?

That's when it happened. My pendant began to glow again.

"Hiro-kun. Now a title worthy of you will be given. A true title for a unique player who conquers the world of Kiwakue using cheats..."

"True title...!"

Leona-san, who was excited, continued.

"In short, the weak remain weak! But the strong can become even stronger! The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer! This is the Matthew effect!"

No, I don't understand what you're saying. What are you talking about, Leona-san? It's PP, but... is that so?

That's when it happened. My pendant began to glow again.

"Hiro-kun. Now a title worthy of you will be given. A true title for a unique player who conquers the world of Kiwakue using cheats..."

"True title...!"

Leona-san, who was excited, continued.

"In short, the weak remain weak! But the strong can become even stronger! The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer! This is the Matthew effect!"

No, I don't understand what you're saying. What are you talking about, Leona-san? It's PP, but... is that so?

That's when it happened. My pendant began to glow again.

"Hiro-kun. Now a title worthy of you will be given. A true title for a unique player who conquers the world of Kiwakue using cheats..."

"True title...!"

Leona-san, who was excited, continued.

"In short, the weak remain weak! But the strong can become even stronger! The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer! This is the Matthew effect!"

No, I don't understand what you're saying. What are you talking about, Leona-san? It's PP, but... is that so?

That's when it happened. My pendant began to glow again.

"Hiro-kun. Now a title worthy of you will be given. A true title for a unique player who conquers the world of Kiwakue using cheats..."

"True title...!"

Leona-san, who was excited, continued.

"In short, the weak remain weak! But the strong can become even stronger! The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer! This is the Matthew effect!"

No, I don't understand what you're saying. What are you talking about, Leona-san? It's PP, but... is that so?

That's when it happened. My pendant began to glow again.

"Hiro-kun. Now a title worthy of you will be given. A true title for a unique player who conquers the world of Kiwakue using cheats..."

"True title...!"

Leona-san, who was excited, continued.

"In short, the weak remain weak! But the strong can become even stronger! The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer! This is the Matthew effect!"

No, I don't understand what you're saying. What are you talking about, Leona-san? It's PP, but... is that so?

That's when it happened. My pendant began to glow again.

"Hiro-kun. Now a title worthy of you will be given. A true title for a unique player who conquers the world of Kiwakue using cheats..."

"True title...!"

Leona-san, who was excited, continued.

"In short, the weak remain weak! But the strong can become even stronger! The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer! This is the Matthew effect!"

No, I don't understand what you're saying. What are you talking about, Leona-san? It's PP, but... is that so?

That's when it happened. My pendant began to glow again.

"Hiro-kun. Now a title worthy of you will be given. A true title for a
"But it's all mosaic, isn't it? The realism may have faded, but this is creepy in its own way."
"Oh! Hiro-kun, you're always complaining!"

"Hirocchi. Don't just complain, work. Put the orc materials you picked up in this bag."

Mizarisa handed me a hemp bag she had taken out from somewhere.

"...You, you had such a bag?"

"Shishishi! I was thinking of putting Hirocchi's materials in this bag someday!"

"My materials? What are you talking about, you're not a friend, you're an enemy, right?"

"Enemies and friends are paper-thin."

"No, if it's paper-thin, it's bad. Friends are friends and enemies are enemies. What are you saying, huh?"

While I was having a fruitless argument with Mizarisa...

"It's over."

"Is that so? Thank you, Alicia!"

My eyes were dazzled by the light, so I asked Leona-san to remove the mosaic. After that, I looked at the blood-soaked material bag.

"But this, I have to carry it? It's bloody and heavy, and it feels disgusting. Haa..."

I was tired from the realistic material gathering. I put the bag I was carrying on the ground and timidly proposed to Leona-san.

"I've left Ted's town and defeated the orc... I want to save soon..."

"Eh, that's early! Even though you're young! Let's have more fun!"

"I'll log in again tomorrow."

"Really? Absolutely?"

"Yes. I want to see the next town too."

That was my true intention. Leona-san put her finger on her chin and stared at my face.

"Hmm. Then it's okay."

We left the entrance of the forest and returned to the grassland. In a peaceful place where there were no enemies, I touched the space. Leona-san and I logged out together.
"See you tomorrow! Good night!"
"Good night."

Despite the fact that I was about to log out,

"Hiro... You were talking to the fairy again, weren't you?"

At some point, Alicia was standing next to my machine!


"You don't have to be so surprised!"

"What do you want from me?"

"I wanted to talk to Hiro before taking a break. Is that not okay?"

Alicia sat down next to me.

"Come on! Hiro, sit down too!"

"But, having gained the power to defeat both Tesla and One-Eye, and with my companions... Kiwakue... It might actually be quite fun."
In the mirror that was placed there, I saw my own reflection, smiling, eagerly wishing for tomorrow to come so I could log in again.

> What
It is
Sorry! That’s on me, I can’t give a response to that right now. What else can I help you with?
Chapter 2: The Spring of Life

"Recently, there have been a lot of suspicious people around. Be careful when you're going to and from school. Especially girls! If you see someone suspicious, shout out loud and push them away! Got it?"

Even if you arbitrarily deem someone suspicious and push them away, the homeroom before going home finally ended, so I quickly stood up from my seat.

"Hiro. Let's go home together."

"Is club activity okay?"

"I have a little housework to do today."

Walking down the hallway together, we opened the shoe locker as usual. Then, an envelope fell out. I picked it up.

"What's this?"

"Oh! Isn't it a love letter?"

Takafumi grins and laughs, but I shake my head.

"No way. That's old-fashioned."

"Well, open it and see."

In front of Takafumi, full of curiosity, I opened the envelope, thinking that there was no way something like that could happen. However, there was a sheet of stationery inside, with beautiful characters lined up.

"Since I woke up, my mind has been full of Hiro-kun..."

"It's a love letter after all!" 

Takafumi, who had been peering at the contents, shouted. The students nearby looked at us, so I scolded Takafumi.

"Idiot! Your voice is loud!"

"But, but... I mean, it's a love letter. It's the first time I've ever received one."

While my heart was pounding, I read the rest of the letter.

"Hiro-kun. I want to know more about you. I want to get along better with Hiro-kun. But as a shy person, I can't call out to you. So I thought I'd start with a letter, and I tried to put it out. Just the fact that you're reading the letter I wrote... I'm satisfied with that for now. I'll write another letter later."

"You did it, Hiro! It's a heartfelt love letter!"

While saying that it's not a big deal, I can't help but grin. Honestly, I'm happy! It was worth running.

"Is it 'Eidasanako' or something? What class? First year? Or maybe it could be a senior..."

While jumping around, he puts his hand on his chin as if thinking. There's no girl with that name in our class.

I try to remember a different person. But I couldn't remember because of the excitement.

"I see, I see. Hiro has a girlfriend."

"You're jumping to conclusions. I don't even know what kind of girl she is yet."
"But you would date her if she was cute, right?"
"Uh, I guess. I mean, it's Reona we're talking about."

As I was beating around the bush, Takafumi opened his mouth in surprise.

"Wait, do you already have a girlfriend?"
"Well, not exactly a girlfriend... There's someone who's been proposing marriage to me."
"What?! Seriously? You're such a ladies' man!"

"Well, I guess she is..."

But Takafumi didn't seem to hear my words, and he looked genuinely frustrated.
"Darn it. I'm so jealous. Maybe I should quit the club too."

"The club has nothing to do with it."

I said, laughing.

I greeted him without looking at his face. This was a change that I couldn't have imagined a month ago. Until recently, it was unthinkable that he would greet me. It seems that he was quite pleased that I started running for the Kiwaku E conquest.

I also took out some milk from the refrigerator, poured it into a cup, and soothed my thirsty throat. Then Kaede asked me a slightly malicious question.

"By the way, are you still playing that crappy game?"
"Yeah, I'm still playing."

"Heh, really?"

Kaede, who had asked in a mocking tone, was surprised when I confidently answered.
"Actually, it's gotten quite interesting. Well, I guess it's a dead game to you."

"If the person playing it is having fun, then it doesn't really matter."

I turned to Kaede, who was looking away, and tried to say something daring.

"Why don't you play Kiwaku E with us, Kaede?"

"Huh? No, I'm not interested in that at all. I mean, I have absolutely no interest in it."

The person who sent the letter was a person who was living a life of luxury. It was a person who was living a life of luxury. It was a person who was living a life of luxury.

It was a person who was living a life of luxury. It was a person who was living a life of luxury.

Huh? Come to think of it, Kaede just now... she reminded me of someone.

After thinking for a bit, I realized that it was Alicia, and I laughed to myself again.

I was surprised when I answered with confidence.
"Well, I guess it's a dead game to you."

When I returned to my room, I went to my computer. I really wanted to play Kiwaku E right away, but Reona asked me to match our play times, so I decided to log in at night. In this free time, I opened the Kiwaku E conquest site "Oberdain Blind Review" to study.

The main title was displayed, and the route was progressing according to that title. It felt like a novel game where the story changes depending on the choices.

In my case, I was reading the conquest while entering the "Words of the Artisan", so the title that appeared on the screen was along that flow.

"Defeat him and head to the town of Ted."

I clicked on the title without hesitation.
"Tch. You must be feeling pretty good about yourself, huh? But don't forget, you only got this far because of my amazing strategy! You would have been dead long ago if you were on your own!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm grateful, really."

"If you can defeat Tesla and get through Ted, you should be able to reach Flora Castle as long as you don't make any stupid choices. But let me tell you, anyone who relies on a strategy site is a loser. They're just following someone else's path in life. They'll never be able to stand on their own."

"Well then, why did you create this site?"

"Shut up, you stupid commenter! Go eat shit and die!

"Ku 7 on top of Nini
> It's the same as the record of Yugo
I recognized Reona-san in the tea length
The woman with the short cut is, Seishiba
Nodded and once again - Me
This pp

And I was the power - phase,
I was hugged."
"You needed a sense of rhythm for the movements."

"But even if you're not good at first, if you try a few times..."

"Enough. Don't make me say any more."

Hearing Reona's sad laughter, I regretted it. She was so obsessed with clearing Kiwaku E. She must have tried it herself over and over again. But still... she couldn't activate it.

"I realized it. In the end, for an ordinary player like me, clearing this super difficult game is impossible. So I've been looking for someone who can clear Kiwaku E in my place for a long time. And finally..."

After a beat, Reona said seriously.

"I found the person of destiny."

"Ah, haha! Destiny, huh? You're teasing me again, Reona!"

"The marriage proposal is not a joke, it's serious."

Reona has teased me many times before. But I felt the same way.

"Yes! I wanted to say that! Let's log in energetically today, Hiro-kun!" After returning to her usual cheerful self, I hung up the phone.

Marriage, huh.

Reona is a beautiful and stylish adult woman, which is too good for me. Suddenly, I imagined Reona in a wedding dress, and my heart raced.

For a while, I forgot to log in,

and I was a little


"...Sorry to keep you waiting!"

As soon as I resumed Kiwaku E, Mizarisa ran out from the shade of a tree. Alicia sighed with a disgusted look on her face.

"You finally came. Are you ready?"

"I'm perfectly prepared for a girl's day!"

"You don't have to say that..."

While smiling bitterly at their conversation, I carried a sack filled with oak materials. The reopening of Kiwaku E was from the entrance of the forest. Reona also logged in and sat on my shoulder.

"We have to be careful not to get caught in the trap!"

That was

Reona-san. Normally, I wouldn't be conscious of it,

I remembered the phone call from earlier, and what
the oak

trap caught


I'll die!

With my feelings tightened, I took the lead and walked through the forest. As I walked carefully, watching my feet, I occasionally saw branches and attacks forming rings. Being careful of the oak world, we walked through the small forest.

"Oh my? What's wrong?" Until now, she would have retaliated, but Alicia stared at me with an upward glance.
"Hiro... If an oak comes out, protect me, okay?" At that sight, Mizarisa opened her mouth more than I did.
"Wha-? When did you become such a scaredy-cat?"

Then Alicia asked Mizarisa a question like a demon.

"Let's go!"

Mizarisa retreats with a grimace. Then she looks back at me. Her face changes to a gentle smile. 
"If it's Alicia, Hiro-kun seems to be..."
"Ah, haha..."
Holding the hem of her skirt, Alicia follows us. It's a bit embarrassing, but!

As we were walking,
Even though it's in the forest, only that place seemed to be artificially created.

I drop the material bag I was carrying. Then I pull out Martin's magic convenience and face the orc approaching from the front.

"Hiro-kun! They're coming from the right too!"

At Reona-san's words, I look around. An orc is approaching from the right... Seven of them!

"Hirocchi! There are more over there!"

Seriously?! Three more from the left! Hey, hey! That's a total of ten!

"Hiro! There are some behind you too!"

At Alicia's words, I turn around fearfully. Five orcs are slowly advancing from behind.

"Wait, there are so many..."
Before I knew it, we were surrounded by orcs. There were more than I had seen earlier. The total number exceeded twenty. 
Damn this shitty game! As always, it's coming to kill the player!

I let out a trembling voice.
In addition to the "thoughts at the edge of entering the forest" from the previous time, this time it's "an unbelievable number of orcs". A normal player would feel nothing but despair. But inside, I was grinning.
"Excellent! This is just like a dangerous quest!"

Being attacked from all directions at once is overwhelming. A quick decision is needed.

"Reona-san! Please observe the situation from the sky! And, can you tell me if there's an attack from the orcs outside my field of vision?"

"Okay, I understand! But, is that all?"

"Yes! Thank you!"

I'm like a sprinter at the start of a 100-meter dash.

While closing the distance of several meters at once,

After taking down one, I aim for the head of the next one.

As you've come this far, you should know... actually, there are several stages to the secret technique. Simply put, the power changes depending on the strength of your feelings. Well, the final stage is not something you can learn, so for now, I'll write about how to use the basic secret technique. Okay? Even if you understand it in your head, it's surprisingly difficult to create passionate feelings yourself.

Even if you try to control it,

you can't do it at all. To be honest, you need a sense of

If I explain it in a way that's easy to understand, "When you want to cry in front of people, when

ae take


Three of our comrades were killed, and the orc was stunned. I take advantage of that gap and aim for the next group of orcs.

"The easiest thing is to have intense feelings of anger... but that's the lowest rank as a stage of the secret technique.
To increase the power by one more stage, use your imagination. For example, if you can't defeat the monster in front of you,

what will happen? Of course, I'll be killed, and my comrades will be violated and killed. And the dead comrades won't come back to life. Ignite yourself with such imagination."

I stand between Alicia and the orc as I tell her. As Kamui says, if I fall, everyone will be done in by the orc. Alicia will die again. Mizarisa will also be killed. Reona-san will have to spend time finding another real player.

A hot feeling wells up from the bottom of my stomach, and my speed increases even more. I behead all the orcs near Alicia and tear their bodies apart.

"That's, that's amazing! Sssu"

I feel Alicia's limited praise on my back. So far, it's going smoothly. But...


What's spreading around me is the carnage I've created. The smell of a large amount of orc blood and scattered organs hangs in the air. I feel nauseous and put my hand, which is not holding a sword, to my mouth.

"Ugh...how pathetic! But, this is...! Ugh!"

"Leave it to me, Hiro-kun!"

I hear Reona-san's voice. When I notice, there's a mosaic over the corpses from earlier. It's not just the bodies. There's a mosaic to the side. There's a mosaic behind. The surroundings were full of mosaics.

"I put a mosaic on the dead orcs and their meat! Fight with peace of mind!"
"Th-thank you. But, there's a mosaic on the orc before I cut it...!"

"It's the same as when the symptoms of a cold come out! Early mosaic! More importantly, Hiro-kun! Be careful! There's a big mosaic coming from the right!"

Sure enough, a large chunk of mosaic is approaching from the right. I dodge the hazy blow from the large mosaic and swing my sword. When the sword hits, the mosaic falls to the ground with a sound and stops moving.
"Hiro-kun! There are two mosaics from the left!"

"A new mosaic is approaching from the front!"

"Again, two... or is it three? from the right... I can't see because the mosaics are overlapping..."
Finally, I lose my patience and shout.

"No, I don't know what I'm fighting against... Is there a full-dive RPG where you fight against mosaics?"

"Should I remove it? It'll be bloody, though."
"No, please keep it like this!"

It would be nice if they just put a mosaic on the gross parts! Every time I feel down being surrounded by mosaics, I imagine what Kamui told me.

That's right, if I leave these mosaics, everyone will be killed by mosaics! Unforgivable!

Before I knew it, there was a mountain of mosaics... no, a mountain of orc corpses had been built.

Most of them have arrived, so I look back. Alicia and Mizarisa were attacking a mosaic... an orc.


Mizarisa's saw makes the orc flinch. But even after being hit by Alicia's knife, the orc doesn't stop walking and remains calm. Alicia is fast, but she doesn't get along well with the orc, who is covered in thick muscles.

"Alicia! I'll do it!"
"Y-Yes! Please!"

I jump in between the two struggling people and shout at the orc's brain. The orc is cut in half up to the crotch, and the split mosaic shakes the ground. This would have definitely been gross if I saw it normally, right? I'm grateful to Reona-san for putting the mosaic on it!

I was about to thank Reona-san, but Alicia jumped at me and hugged me.

"Wa, waah!"
"Hiro! Thank you! You were so cool!"
"Is that so?"

As I blush, Mizarisa points a cold day at us.
"Hmm. You didn't wet yourself."

"What are you, a pervert woman! Apologize!"
"Yes, yes."
Mizarisa gives up, and Alicia glances at me and shakes her head.
"Eh? No, I can't do that..."

"Hehe. Alicia seems to be infatuated with Hiro-kun. I'm jealous."
Reona-san is giggling, but Mizarisa drops her shoulders and lets out a big sigh.
"Well, well. The monster woman has weakened. Why don't you tell him you love Hirocchi at this point?"
"I, I! That, um! I see Hiro as a childhood friend!"

She suddenly pulls away from me, her face turning bright red as she panics.

As I laugh at the blushing Alicia, she starts stabbing the orc material covered in mosaic with her knife!

"That's not true at all!"

pp No, the way she blushes is scary.

"I'm glad, Hiro-kun. It's becoming a normal RPG, isn't it?"
"Is this really okay...?"
That being said, Mizarisa was trying to collect all the orc materials she had defeated, but upon further thought, it's impossible to carry such a large amount.
"Stop it, Mizarisa. We don't need any more materials. If we collect any more, my shoulder will dislocate."
"Tch. The fun is gone."
After adding as much as possible to the material bag, we left the place.
We encountered another orc. This time, there's only one. This should be easy.
I draw my sword, but the orc makes a strange noise and runs away in a panic.
"Huh? Why?"
Reona-san, flying in the sky, gives a thumbs up.
"Monsters don't attack the strong. This is also real!"
I see. So, the encounter rate has decreased.
"Let's take this opportunity to get out of the forest before it gets dark!"

It will be hard to see when it gets dark. If that happens, we can't let our guard down against the orcs. We quicken our pace.

The sun had finished its day's work, and the curtain of night was about to fall. Somehow, we were able to get out of the forest before it got dark.

After walking on the plain for a while, we saw a stone wall in front of us. Pine torches were lit at regular intervals.

"Hiro-kun! We've arrived at the next town!"
Reona-san raised her voice cheerfully.

A new town! Really! But, considering it's a dangerous quest, I thought there would be one or two more twists!

But if you think about it calmly, the large number of orcs we encountered earlier would normally be an extremely difficult event that would immediately lead to game over. But it wasn't because of my English skills, using secret techniques and Martin's magic sword! Hahaha... wait, self-control! Self-control! I have to make sure Reona-san doesn't say I'm getting carried away again!

I tighten my grip and run towards the stone wall. In the center of the stone wall, which stretches endlessly to the left and right like the horizon, there is a sturdy iron gate, and in front of it, muscular soldiers are standing.

"This town also has amazing defenses..."

"In a world where monsters exist, this is normal. Without moats or ramparts, it would be immediately attacked and occupied. It's strange for a game where anyone can easily enter a town or castle."

Even so, when you find a new town in an RPG, you want to go inside as soon as possible. As we proceed, the gatekeeper soldier speaks in a deep voice.

"This is the town of Mistin..."

Heh, Mistin! What kind of town is it, I wonder!
When I was about to enter, a soldier blocked my way.

"First, your name. And where you came from. And also, the date of entry."

The soldier handed me, Mizarisa, and Alicia a pen and a half-sheet of paper.

I start to fill in the items written on it. But, like a test paper, it's full of blanks. The contents that need to be written, such as history and address, are diverse. No, it's so troublesome, enough already!

Somehow, I finish writing and hand it to the soldier.

"Hmm. You're aiming for Flora Castle, and you're staying in Mistin for that purpose, huh."
"Can we pass through now?"
"No, show me your sword."
"No, this is..."

Martin's magic sword. I had a feeling that this was going to be troublesome, so I was confused. The soldier reached out, but

"Don't touch that sword."

Alicia stopped him by raising her arm.

"That's my brother's..."

"...I see. I understand."

The soldier backed off from Alicia. Phew, that was close... But wait, did I tell Alicia about this sword? Seeing my puzzled expression, Alicia seemed to understand. She smiled gently.

"You don't have to say it. After all, I can hear my brother's voice from that sword."
It seems that the two of them are indeed connected.
Thanks to Alicia, I was saved, but this time another soldier was bothering Mizarisa.

"What kind of outfit are you wearing? It's too revealing."

"This is the formal attire of a heretic inquisitor."

"A heretic inquisitor? What kind of job is that?"

"It's a job where you interrogate people and cut off their limbs! It's fun!"

The soldier looked at her with a difficult expression. No, no, Mizarisa, you're too honest! If you say things like that, it's going to take a lot of time!
"Also, put away that saw. It's dangerous to walk around with such a thing unsheathed."
Mizarisa reluctantly shouldered her saw. I asked the soldier,
"Hey, can we go now? We're going into town."
"Wait. What's in that raw-looking bag?"
"It's orc material."
"You defeated an orc? Don't lie. It's probably just beast meat."
"It's true!"

In the end, after a thorough interrogation, the gate was opened and we were allowed into the town. The excitement of arriving in a new town was greater than that of traveling abroad.

A carriage carrying a gentleman full of vitality passed by us. The buildings lining the street also seemed to be well-built. The town of Mistin gave a more urban impression than Ted.

"Hiro-kun. It's getting dark, shall we look for an inn first?"

"Um, if possible, I'd like to see a weapon shop first."

The interest that had faded during the interrogation was reignited when I saw the town of Mistin.

"Hehe. Hiro-kun is such a boy."

I didn't deny it. In RPGs, when you arrive in a new town, you want to see what kind of weapons and armor are sold there first.

"But it's important, isn't it? 'Get the strongest equipment available in that town or village before moving on.' This is the theory of RPGs."

"That's right!"

Leona-san's words resonated with me. There are players who prioritize clearing and rush ahead, but I'm the type who thoroughly prepares their equipment before leaving town. Doing so reduces the risk of being defeated. Especially in Kiwa...
"Is it okay to break both the hardware and software in hell?"
A sign with crossed swords is drawn.

If the quest is dead, then...
I take a stroll around the town at night. Eventually,

"Hehe! It's the two heavens of Kazunori!"
There are swords, spears, knives, and even saws.
I see! From Ted, no matter what kind of companion you bring, you can get the top equipment for that character here!
I'm excited by the display of powerful and intimidating weapons. But when I saw the price written on the plate, my excitement disappeared.

High-quality fruit knife 20000G
Saw 50000G

As a person...
I cough. Mizarisa peered into my frequency.

"How much money do you have?"
There's only one silver coin in there.

By the way, Hirocchi...
I said. In terms of the currency G, it's only 0G.

"It doesn't look like you can buy it at all."
Alicia said in a whisper.

I remember that the wage you can earn by working in the underground containment facility in Ted's town for a month was 20,000G.
I let out a big sigh, and Alicia smiled awkwardly.

"It's okay, Hiro! I have this fruit knife! I don't need a weapon!"
"Is that so?"

Alicia's kindness was inversely proportional to the rate. Leona-san shrugged her shoulders like a foreigner.

"Calm down your friends. Hiro-kun, you're a good-for-nothing."

I can't say anything back. Before buying a new weapon, Alicia is in a state where she has to somehow finish the clothes that were torn by the orc. There were also armors in this weapon shop, but the armor was at least 50,000G or more, and the clothes that seemed to suit Alicia and Mizarisa were also 5,000G or more. No, the price of things is rising too fast!

Anyway, with a possession money of =G, I can't even buy a sleeve of clothes.
It's coming at me.

"Hey, brother! If you're looking for a strong weapon, how about this one?"

The shopkeeper pointed out with a smile showing his gold teeth.


Saint Kuserion
"One, ten... ha, 1.2 million GP! Even a high-quality fruit knife is impossible, let alone this one!"

"Is that so?"
"What? Are you poor?"
With a snort, the shopkeeper treated me with a rough attitude.

It's not just that. This town is under the jurisdiction of the Shuttalia country and the tax is
It's high. And the prices are
I have to raise it."

Taxes and prices, words that don't seem to belong in a fantasy world of dreams and hopes. I stared at Saint Kuserion and complained to Leona-san.
"Isn't this the price of a weapon sold in the second town?"

"Oh, you should just work hard and save up."

"No, my money is pG. 1.2 million G is not a level that can be achieved by working hard!" 
"In reality, there are plenty of things that ordinary people can't afford. Ferrari, for example, is sold in every city, but how many people can afford it in their lifetime? 'I want to ride it, it would be nice if I could ride it someday.' They die without being able to ride it. Isn't it the same?"

"So, am I going to die without being able to use this sword, thinking 'I want it, it would be nice if I could use it someday'? I don't want to play such a game!"

"Hiro, it's okay. Even without such a sword..."
She was staring at my sword and smiling.

"Oh, that's right."

Tesla's golden sword shattered, and the high-defense orc could be cut in half with Martin's magic sword. Leona-san also stared intently at my sword.

"Normally, when you use a Kiwaku sword a few times, it becomes useless, but this seems to be an exception. No matter how many orcs you cut, the sharpness doesn't decrease... It feels like a cheat item that ignores durability."
That's right! That's right! I don't need such an expensive weapon! I've already got a strong weapon!

I pulled out Martin's magic sword from the sheath and smiled. Alicia also smiled at me gently.

"Hehe, my brother is also happy."

"Do you understand?"

"Yes, Hiro. Take good care of that sword!"

"Oh, of course!"

The only NPC companions are Mizarisa and Alicia. But I have one more invisible companion, Martin.

The two of us were deeply moved, but the shopkeeper pinched his nose and drove us away.

"By the way, you guys stink! If you're not buying, get out! Ah, it stinks! It stinks in many ways!"


As if to drive us away, he waved his hand at us. Damn it! It's annoying, but actually, I can't buy anything.

"By the way, can't this be sold here?"
"No, it's a weapon shop, they won't buy it. Besides, orc materials are not worth much anyway."

"Is it a road anyway? Show me."
I handed over the material bag as a last resort. Then, the shopkeeper's eyes turned red as he looked at it. He smiled, showing his gold teeth.
This is definitely orc material! Please let us buy it at our shop = How about 30,000G in total?"
"Huh...? How much did you say?"
"Eeeeeeeh! Really?"

"I'm sorry for being rude! I didn't know you were an adventurer who could defeat an orc!"
With a clatter, a bag full of gold coins was placed on the table. My hands trembled at the sight of the large amount of money I was seeing for the first time.
With this, I have 30,000G! Then I can buy this and that! It doesn't matter if the prices are high! What's this development!
Leona-san crossed her arms in mid-air and half-smiled.
"Ordinary people complain that prices are high and the world is bad.
For the rich, it's a trivial matter! You are in that state now!"
What an inequality! But that's right! Prices and such don't matter to the rich! Is that real?
"Alright! I can buy anything! Alicia, choose some clothes!"
"Really? Then this cute pink dress... is it okay?"
"Even a fruit knife, there seems to be a better one! You can buy that too!"
"Hiro, thank you."
Seeing Alicia's smile, which was like a blooming flower, made me feel warm. I noticed Mizarisa, who was looking at a saw in a nearby corner.
"Do you want to buy that too?"
The blade part is coated in black, it's a bit cool design.
"Really! I'm happy! If I may be greedy, if you could pee while giving me a present,
I'd be even happier!"

"But Hiro-kun! That's a luxury
"Why do I have to pee while giving a present? Is there such a person? That's weird."
Even so, Mizarisa seemed to be pleased. Yeah. When I see a girl looking happy, I feel happy too.
"Hey, hey, Hiro-kun. Buy me something too."
Leona-san puffed up her small cheeks in front of my face.
"It's impossible. There's no small equipment that suits Leona-san."
"Hmm! Then next time, I'll buy clothes in real life!"
"Haha. In reality, I don't have money."
Huh? But going shopping for clothes together in real life, that means a date...?
Before I knew it, I was imagining walking around town with an older sister.
No, no, what's this? Everything is going well.
I felt as if the hardships in Ted's town had been rewarded many times over. Honest efforts are properly rewarded.
This might also be real. If I think about it, I feel less and less dissatisfied with Kiwaku.

After renewing Mizarisa and Alicia's equipment, I bought a golden negative that Tesla seemed to have attached to the film.
I still have over 50,000G left.
When I put it on in front of the mirror, the pendant on my chest lit up. I took out the pendant and stared at it.

I'm not just complaining anymore! Ah, it's great! Then I'll play the nouveau riche!

This time, I'm not upset by Kiwaku's ridiculous title. I smiled at everyone.

"I'm hungry, let's go eat something!"

And I walked around the town of Mistin with great strides. I came out on a street lined with many food shops. There, I entered a particularly large and expensive-looking shop.

After being guided to a table covered with a pure white cloth, I asked the tuxedo-clad waiter.

"How much is the most expensive dish in this restaurant?"
"It's 300G per person with full course."
"Only 300G? Then, keep bringing it on!"
Soon, a fragrant soup, fresh salad, and steaming meat with bones are lined up on the table. Hiro digs into it.
While munching, Mizarisa chats in a good mood.
"Orcs are amazing, aren't they!"
"Hehe. If I knew this, I should have brought all the materials from the defeated orcs."
"It's okay, it's okay! We can defeat them again!"
"Well, that's true!"
"That's right! Hiro, you're strong!"

Alicia and Mizarisa chat amiably. Reona is also eating the small cut meat.
"Hiro-kun, you're luxurious. But well, you've been through a lot until now. You should let off steam to your heart's content."


From the window of the high-class restaurant, a splendid moon can be seen. Having had a meal, Hiro was looking at it in a relaxed mood.
But suddenly, a bearded man appears over the beautiful moon!
As he was surprised, the man opened the window from the other side and stuck his upper body in!
"What a rare sight! You're a real player, aren't you? That's right! Because you have a fairy with you!"
A man with short hair and a beard.
"I'm Shougo! I'm a real player just like you!"
In a high tone, Shougo-san talks excitedly.
"It's been a long time since I've seen a fairy! That's a store bonus, isn't it?"
"Uh, yes. Nice to meet you. I'm Reona. This is Hiro-kun. I'm supporting this child."
"Hiro-chan, huh! Are you a high school student by any chance?"


"I knew it! You're young! Ufufu, I want to eat you!"

No, the character is thick = I don't know which one is the game character.
"Just wait a minute!"

Shougo-san disappears from the window. He came in soon. But still, there are real players like Ginji-san in this town.
I was happy that I might be able to get some information. But he had pulled out the high-class fruit knife he had bought earlier.

"Suspicious guy. What do you want to do, Hiro? Kill him?"

"Wait, wait! Why are you trying to kill him all of a sudden?"

Both I and Shougo-san were surprised enough to lose our hips.

"What is this, this NPC is scary ="

Alicia was staring at Shougo-san with eyes like looking at a monster. Well, the story seems to be getting complicated.


After clearing my throat, I turned a serious expression to Alicia and Mizarisa.
"Sorry. I want to talk with Shougo-san alone for a bit."
"Sure! I'll go for a walk around town after eating!"
"Sorry. If you find something interesting, tell me later. Let's meet here in thirty minutes."
"Hey, you're coming too!"

Mizarisa, honestly, or rather, she really wanted to see the town. She walks away happily, pulling Alicia's hand. Alicia, while being pulled by Mizarisa, keeps glancing back at me worriedly. She seems to be worried about me. It feels like a real sibling.

At the table where only the real players were left, I spoke to Shougo-san.
"I was surprised! There were real players in the town of Mistin."
"That's right! There are still people playing Kiwakue other than Ginji-san."

Looking at the surprise of me and Reona-san, Shougo-san laughed happily.

"Hehe. The players who managed to get out of Ted and through the Orc Forest to here, even at the height of Kiwakue, were only 0.04%. It's the greatest glory of my life. That's why I still log in. It's a full dive that's deserted though."

And then Shougo-san stared at me intently.
"A meal at a high-class restaurant. And that expensive armor."
"Ah, yes. Well."

"You're guided, aren't you! I was totally useless! I have no sense!"

"No, Shougo-san, you're amazing because you were able to get here!"
"But Shougo-san. How did you do it without any tricks?"

At Reona-san's words, Shougo-san laughed meaningfully. I remembered the Oberdain that I had and whispered to Reona-san.

"He must be a fighter! Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to get through the Goblin's front and the Orc's forest!"

"I see. That might be true."

But then, there's something I'm curious about.

"Um, Shougo-san. Why don't you go ahead from this town?"

"Hiro-chan, can you use a trick?"

When I asked, Shougo-san stared at a corner of the room.
"When I got out of Ted, through the Orc Forest, and somehow arrived here, something had changed in me."

There was a brief silence.

"...I understand."

Reona-san sighed and agreed. As I glanced sideways at the adult real players, I speculated.

"Maybe he realized his own limits. That might be what it is."
Somehow, to blow away the dark atmosphere, Shougo-san showed a bright smile.
"But you know! Now, I think living here isn't so bad! I feel like I've found my own play style in this town!"
There are various ways to enjoy the game. Clearing it is not the only goal. Like Ginji, enjoying gambling, enjoying the sub-story, is actually not bad.
"But Hiro-kun, you're aiming to clear the game, aren't you?"
I was serious to Reona-san. I don't know if I can completely clear this difficult Kiwakue. But I can somehow activate the trick. No matter how many times I try, no matter what I do, I can't activate it. For the sake of the real players, I thought I should at least aim to clear it.
That's right. Like Kamui.
"Umm. It's wonderful to be young. I'm jealous."
"Shougo-san looked at my face and smiled. But Hiro-chan, it's already late today. Stay at the inn and rest. Besides, if you're aiming to clear, it's recommended to stay in this town for a while and get strong equipment."

"Thank you!"

"I was happy to meet a sincere real player."

I shook the hand that Shougo-san held out. I felt like I was being passed a baton.

Shougo-san stood up from his seat. And on his way out, he casually said something astonishing.

"Well, I'm going to the Orc Forest now."

"Eh, right now?"

I recommended an inn to me, and he was going to the Orc Forest... He didn't intend to clear it, it seemed like that kind of conversation flow... What the hell?

Just then. The door of the restaurant opened, and a blond young man ran in with a changed complexion.

"Shougo! You were here!"

Shougo-san laughed and pointed to a young man with a good physique 

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