
I hate that I became something you couldn't like.

Until the end I was the curse that hurt the people closest.

Never meant to be a burden
Just wanted to protect you.

I became a Special Cage, for a Special Person
And I know that it affects you.

All the pressure, I know it scares you.

I know separate we'd be better.
Don't cry.'s okay to say goodbye.


It is an important note that you must be critical of the modern Christian belief that:
Notable truths of the 'early Christians' believed in:

The lecture draws on biblical passages from Acts, Romans, and Ephesians to bolster its claim that Christianity's roots are firmly planted in Judaism. By emphasizing this shared heritage, the speaker argues that Christianity should be viewed as a continuation or reform movement within Judaism, rather than a completely separate religion.


Mr. Leyton Baker - Retirement Meeting

Start: April 11, 1983. (Ministry of Construction & Housing)

Required Documents:

Updated: Require Birth Certificate

Marriage Certificate




Prepare package for Mr. Baker (relevant documents for him to fill out)


Georgette Saunders

Request salary verification for family benefits deductions. From me, thru Miss Martin to Accounts.



May 1, 2024

Information to note:

Training & Develop is available for all staff members, however, approval for this benefit is subject to the availability of your supervisors support and the Ministry's funds.

Information to verify:

All years of service is taken into account when determining how long an employee has been vested in the service, not solely appointed years of service?

At the top of the service record the is a sentence that says "us" I surmise that it should read 'is'. confirm Same with Miss Martin.

May 3, 2024 (Branch Meeting - (HRM&D)

Previous Meeting Topics for Notation:


Divisional Achievements and Big Ticket Items:


An assortment of on the ground training initiatives.


Four upcoming workshops planned
Sensitization initiatives


Leave Administration S.O.P 

Daily Paid Employees Leave Rates:

Vacation Leave:


April 29, 2024 - Pastor George Ramocan - The Significance of the first Day of the Week

Jesus did not mention the sabbath, however he mentioned repeatedly "the fist day of the week". Where did the terminology come from? Greek: "Miaton Sabbaton" (First of the Sabbaths) (Plural). Leviticus 23:23.

There are eight (8) texts in the New Testament that mention "first day of the week". It is important to know what is being taught out of the church. When ministering to others as ambassadors equipping yourself with the knowledge of 'other' topics will serve as a useful tool. 

There is a doctrine that proposes the 'first day of the week' as a holy day to observe. (The first day of the week is an annual observance).

Acts 20:6-7

But we sailed from Philippi after the Festival of Unleavened Bread, and five days later joined the others at Troas, where we stayed seven days.
Eutychus Raised From the Dead at Troas On the first day of the week we came together to break bread.

Confirms that this 'first day of the week' reference is related the observance of Unleavened Bread, and the Day of Pentecost.

1 Corinthians 16:2

On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made.

The 'first day of the week' is simply the first day of counting towards Pentecost.

The 'first day of the week' is currently rendered "The first day of the weeks" because it is the first day of the fifty (50) day count towards Pentecost. The counting of 'the feast of of weeks' is more accurately derived by counting the passing sabbaths rather than the count of the passing calendar days.

The Lord bring ths sabbath. There is no reason or need to observe the Sabbath in relation the sunsets of the physical location of Israel. Where ever the sun sets where you are begins and end the Sabbath.

Joshua 5:10

Now the children of Israel camped in Gilgal, and kept the Passover on the fourteenth day of the month at twilight on the plains of Jericho. 11And they ate of the produce of the land on the day after the Passover, unleavened bread and parched grain, on the very same day. 12Then the manna ceased on the day after they had eaten the produce of the land; and the children of Israel no longer had manna, but they ate the food of the land of Canaan that year.

The Wave Sheaf day can occur during, any day after the weekly Sabbath, and outside of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, when the last day of the Feast of Unleavened coincides with weekly Sabbath.

Why did a Journey that took two (2) days prior, now took five (5) days? 


Saturday, April 27, 2024

Ken Allen 

The Hypocrisy of the Leavened Bread. 

It is with great accuracy that we as humans, people of God, are inclined to notice the sin in the actions and competencies of others without first seeing the sin in ourselves. This is a true problem. 



‭Matthew 19:16-18, 20-23, 25-28 NIV‬
[16] Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” [17] “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.” [18] “Which ones?” he inquired. Jesus replied, “ ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, 
[20] “All these I have kept,” the young man said. “What do I still lack?” [21] Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” [22] When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth. [23] Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. 
[25] When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?” [26] Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” [27] Peter answered him, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?” [28] Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.


Baby Names for My Son:



Preparing for Human Resources Officer (Leave & Pension)

This document outlines the different types of leave available to public service employees and the policies governing them. It also details how to calculate leave entitlement based on factors like employment date, position, and years of service.
Key Points:
Additional Notes:

Leave Management
HR Officer Skills

Guidelines for Online Study Leave/Day Release:

Target Audience:
Key Points:
Pension Emoluments: Is a portion of your salary that is used when calculating pension (Basic Salary, Seniority Allowance.)

Contractual Service: These officers don't get pension because they are not in a regular employment, also, they receive gratuity in lieu of pension payment.

Changes in Pension Administration:

Incremental Increase in Mandatory age of retirement
Introduction of Pension Contribution
Calculation of Pension
Linkage of Service

Service Record: Reflects your complete working history (Every time you take you leave outside of sick and departmental leave, every salary change, every time you move to a new job position, resign and/or re-enters the service.)

Leave of Absence: Unpaid leave reduces years of service.
Combining Service: Service across government ministries can be combined if totaling 15+ years.
Pension Types:
Pension Calculation:
Early Retirement: Employee initiates request.
Documents Required:

Based on the job description provided, here's a breakdown of key areas to focus on for your interview:
Job Responsibilities:
Required Skills & Knowledge:
Experience and Education:
Here's how you can use this information to prepare:
Additional Tips:
By showcasing your relevant skills, knowledge, and enthusiasm, you'll be well-positioned for a successful interview.


Do something for Zolani

3000 for Entry two adults, Zoe free m under two years.

Take Pictures

Confirm with Andre availability for Sunday.

Practice Doulula

Get Together (Immediate Family) (Games, Pray, Food) - Sunday March 10, 2024.

Reorganize Room & Clothes



Depending on your location and living preferences, expect to allocate around JMD 30,000 - 50,000 for rent or mortgage. Utilities like water and electricity might add another JMD 5,000 - 10,000.


Groceries for a family of four can range from JMD 25,000 - 40,000 per month, depending on dietary needs and eating habits. Consider incorporating affordable yet nutritious options like local produce and home-cooked meals.

If you own a car, factor in fuel costs (approximately JMD 5,000 - 10,000 per month), car maintenance, and insurance. Public transportation can be a budget-friendly alternative, especially if readily available in your area.


Diapers, clothing, and other childcare essentials can amount to JMD 10,000 - 15,000 monthly. Explore cost-saving measures like buying pre-loved clothes or utilizing daycare services if needed.
Other necessities:

Allocate around JMD 10,000 - 15,000 for miscellaneous expenses like clothing, healthcare, personal care items, and communication.


Pension Management

To qualify for pension: 10 years of continuous service and must be appointed during the time.

Pension Act 2017 was Passed April 1, 2017 and implemented April 1 2018

Currently at 5 percent of yearly salary increments of 1 percent for year (Ceiling reached in 2022)

Before it was non contribution pension (Widows and orphans refund) (Dependents eligible for contribution appointed officer made up to death)

NO PAY LEAVE Reduces years of service

Linkage of years of service: Employed - Resigned - Employed at another ministry (Needs to be in central government and adds up to a total of 15 years)

To Qualify for Deferred pension:
10 years of continued service
Reach the mandated age of retirement

To qualify for Refund of contributions to the pension:
Appointed officer with less than 10 years of service
Formally resigned
No plans of re enter service (if done, years of service recounted)
Confirmed in post (Medically examined, Final probationary period undertaken)

Indebtedness taken from pension (Loans, Vacation Leave Excess, etc.)

Contractual service does not count as years of service.

Calculation of pension:
Years of service calculated in to months X average of the last three years of service / 540

Example: 120(Months)100,000(Average Salary)/540 

Before 2017, last salary was used to calculate pension. Presently, Average of the last three years of salary is used to calculate pension.

Employee has to ask for early retirement

Traveling has been incorporated into basic salary (improved pensionable allowance)

Temporary officer who reaches the age of retirement is granted a one off lump sum (submit relevant documents)

Documents needed:

Period of service record (Any monetary change must be recorded on this document)
Pension Particulars Form (Like Leave Computation not days in a 365 way (the day before) and record last three years of salary)
Letter of Election (Deciding how you want pension to be paid, Reduced or regular pension)
Statutory Declaration of Service
Statutory Declaration of of Age
Birth & Marriage Certificates
Copy of TRN & NIS & Banking Information
Ministry Approval (Version of HREC Approval)
OSC Approval if one is given
Financial Secretary Memorandum
Letter of Appointment


183.5 - 90 Gas and trip
1000 - 50km




Sobea Shaw✅️
Kelisha Williams
Jose Francisco Beltran Prieto
Roger Rogelio Gougorga Matling
Koran Rhonal Troupe✅️
Robertha Marie Russell
Dwayne Christian✅️
Rori-Ann Rose ✅️
Chelisea Simpson ✅️
Michelle Thomas ✅️
Elaine Wright
Andre Blake✅️
Millicent Wallace Peart
Yashieka Reid
Careen Williams Reid
Maurice Daley✅️
Amelia Allen✅️
Songa Parchment
Harold Daniel
Sandra Gooden
Winston Spence
Eveen Phillips✅️
Sean Parham✅️
Ru-Daine Francis✅️
Kediesha Watkis
Sheril Morgan
Paula Brown✅️
Ellen Lynch✅️
Cristina Edwards
Courtney Shaw
Jodie-Kay Harris
Francene Davis
Cliffany Hinds
Anjoydie Harris
Marsha-Gay Jackson
Kimberly Campbell
Oliver Bailey
Lorraine Freckleton Hines
Natayne Phipps
Brandon Christie
Igol Allen
Rochelle Francis
Enrico Martin
Shelly-Ann Waugh
Claudine Goodin
Andre Blake
Courtney Shaw
Naydene Maye
Kiniesha Maragh-McFarlene
Sheril Morgan✅️
Kimberly Campbell
Lamar Black
Marie Dixon
Nastacia Sancko
Tori-Ann Forbes
Marsha Noble
Timesha Osbourne
Esther Campbell
Marlene Tapper
Latoya Brown
Dorette Wint
Charlene Toranty
Amelia Allen


Once I was 17 years old...

Now I'm 25.

And, so much has happened.

I have made memories, many forgotten. Experienced a great deal, many unforgettable.

We have not spoken in a very long time. I don't know if I have made you proud. I haven't achieved what I thought I would. I have not actualized happiness. Up to this point, this is life you will have to lead. I forgot the mandate, the mission, the directive, to live my life in the most fruitful way because I'm setting in the stone the future, my gift, your inheritance.

You have a child, another on the way. You are not prepared, you can't be, you won't be. Yet, you will be fine. You will rise to the task, you will like every challenge up to this point, you will overcome.


Cure is a whole lot sexier than Prevention, anc people are most receptive to that.


Games to Download:

Death Stranding
Halo Infinite
Halo MCC
Horizon Zero Dawn
Cyber Punk
Witcher 3
Far Cry 6
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Horizon 5
Borderlands 3
Outer Worlds
No Man's Sky
Elden Ring
Metro Exodus
Jedi Fallen Order
Dying Light 2: Stay Human
Red Dead Redemption


Too much of the moral authority in the church and not enough of the expression of love, the love which delights in seeing your brothers and sisters prosper, the love that doesn't want to see them burn. 



Residents of Manley are in disbelief by a sudden decision by the KSAC to remove an iconic tree located in the heart of the community.

Early morning February, 3rd 2022, independent contractors under the service as the KSAC made their way to a tree affectionately refered to as "Big Tree". At first residents thought the independent contractors were conducting a routine maintenance operation in the area, however it soon became apparent that their visit any but routine.

Jordan Scott, a resident of Manley Meadows for 21 years said this

"Big tree has been around since Manley Meadows build, it is a central social space for youngsters and community events. Everyone loved big tree, it didn't make any sense to cut it down. They didn't even ask us about it. A lot of us went to work and school cane home and it was gone."

I asked community president Erlett Findlay about how community isdealing with the situation and he made this comment

"I understand that a lot of residents are confused about the removal of Big tree, the big tree was definitely a notable social hub, it will be missed. The decision to remove the tree came from the KSAC. The KSAC decided to remove the tree because it was causing structural problems for a section of Gallona close, and disrupting water supply because of it's expensive roots damaging underground water pipes."

Matthew Patterson, a resident of the affected area of Blue Field close said he is furious about the work done to remove the iconic tree.

"Piece of my roof is damaged, nobody notified me. I came home and I saw that big tree was cut down and chunks of concrete in my backyard, I looked around and up noticed a sizable gap in my roofing, and I'm not the only one, the large branches from the tree must have fallen on our houses and none of the workmen could give us the courtesy of an apology or better yet compensation".




The Message



Source Sans Pro


Hans Serif

Aileron Heavy


20% increase in brand engagement by the end of the 2021/2022 fiscal year example, 20% increase in brand engagement by the end of the 2021/2022 fiscal year.

Think: Water is essential to my regular day life, but I don’t always have the means of getting it.

Do: I rarely focus on my need for water. I drink when I get thirsty and satisfy that need as best I can.


Think: I feel so rejuvenated and relaxed and based on the added minerals, I know it is great for m y health!

Do: Make use of Wata regularly


Values fi uphold, messages and styles to maintain?

Legal & other considerations?

Cultural considérations must be taken into account.

Competitors slogans and trademarks must be respected and should not overlap with Wata brand.


I am so tired. I am just so tired, life isn't bad, life isn't perfect but it's going in the right direction I Hope. I pray good fortune contenues to follow me. 


I should write today, but I'll have to do it another day. I took the most important step, I showed up.


Forming Better Habits

Law One: 
Make it Obvious

Law Two: 

Make it Attractive


"Hurting somebody's feelings is easy as throwing a rock in the ocean, but do you know how deep that rock goes?"


The church and Christianity on a wider scale is having a problem attracting people particularly younger people. And a part of that could be due to the recent scandals and suppression but a much more significant insight is our lackluster approach to evangelism and our insistence on being relevant to the society to the extent that we dumb down our message for the sake of understanding and relatability. Now this isn't necessarily the case for the collective but it certainly evident in our individual interactions.

I believe God has positioned me in this space and at this time to call attention to the disparity between our strategies to evangelise and the practices needed to reach the people living in the world today. 


Globalization is a losers Poker's Game. If you can see that, economics is not for you. 


Identify the Problem


On Being A Good Person

A test to determine wether or not you are good person is simple.

Ask your self this.

Are you a good or bad person? Ponder on ths thought and answer honestly.
The answer might seem obvisuos to some and perplexing for others however, there is only one true answer and that is always, no.

For the truly good person has such a firm and pure understnding of "Goodness" that they could never allow to be of equal measure this standard.

We tend to think of E V I L in smple terms. As thou it is an abstract state of perpetual degenerecy. However, that isn't always the case. In our history, some of the most vile and heinous crimes against humanity were perpetrated not by the obvious deranged who acknowledged their actions and E V I L but rather by persons who thought they were acting out "Goodness" or defending the sovereignty and integrity of their nation or acting out the will of God.


Sabbaths1^ - Videos


A year, a full circle so many things have happened since then. A year ago I discovered LoFi, it helped me to process the new changes around me. The mellow vbe of this i've missed it. 

I took a break from listenng to LoFi, and I don't know whty. I've been missing out. The psage of time is so...unusual. I cn't really remeber what was bothering me. However, I know that uit must have been as real and serious as anything I face now. Problemsmay scale but feelings don't. 

A trp around the sun. Lets see what this trip has for us. 

Future me. 


I don't want to write anymore. There's just too much at stake. Too many things to challenge. But it can be done, because I am not alone.


Everyone's so stupid, they don't t realize how miserable they're supposed be. 

And don't come to me saying your living in perpetual happiness, because that doesn't exist. Unless you're mental ill and or lying to yourself. 

There's only contentment, it slowly builds and slowly fades.


I got a new keyboard today, a bluetooth one which has backlights.


Sunday (Tom) 
Mashed potato with brown stew chicken 

Corned beef and rice 

Rice and steamed cabbage and red herring 




Breakfast : chicken ham and cheese omelette
Dinner : stove top parmesan chicken 

Breakfast : same
Dinner : butter chicken 

Breakfast : same
Dinner : steak shoulder 

Breakfast : same
Dinner : beef burgers

Breakfast : same
Dinner : chicken broth and beef steak

Breakfast : same
Dinner : chicken drumsticks 

Breakfast : same
Dinner : fish 


Today should be my final meeting with Ms. Williams. I've learned a lot from this experience, I was a little apprehensive about going through the whole process but after having gone through it, I'm grateful. All the tasks she has asked me to handle are complete and Ms. Williams is grateful for my service. The tasks were challenging, especially the video which I decided to turn into an animated piece.
Ms. Williams has accurately identified my strengths and weaknesses today. I agree with the justifications she has made for each. They are valid and I accept the praise and constructive criticism where they came. I have come out of the experience a more rounded and professional media practitioner.


Two months in to my time with Ms. Williams and things are still on track despite some extended delays and personal challenges. I have a video to do and I'm currently working through it in my head. 

The rough idea I have goes like this:


Video Production Details
The video production will feature students speaking about their CSP experiences via Zoom or another video conferencing software. The students answer a series of questions that are below. Each student will be allowed to answer each question and their responses recorded. The recordings are edited and compiled, later becoming a testimonial video for the Community Service Project class.

A few sample question ideas are:
Thats where my mind is leading, however, I make it a practice to come up with multiple ideas for a single project so my alternative idea is to create an animated video introducing key information about volunteering in a short, vivid informative video. 

I'll be working through the idea for the videos more, but overall the experience is going well. 


It's been one month since I've started working with Ms. Williams, it's been a good experience so far. She's cordial and has extended well needed support and patience with me. I've learned a lot from her. I admire her punctuality and professionalism. She has asked me to complete a number of computer graphic material, it will require me to draw, design, script, animate and plan.

I am confident I'll be able to complete these tasks even though it is a bit out of my comfort zone. I look forward to this opportunity as a means to grow and challenge myself so that I may become a proficient media practitioner. 


Red herring, rice 
Corned beef, rice
Macaroni and cheese (2)
Baked Sweet potato and chicken 
Soup - dumplings? (meatless) 
Egg and sweet potato salad? 
Breakfast - cereal (3/4 servings) 


La Haine - Hate

In the movie there is hate from many angles:


I spent a long time feeling sorry for myself. Trying to feel and sound more than I was, but time has a funny way of setting things straight, and now it has set its gaze upon me. 

How did things get so messed up. 


We are not gong to Heaven

Thy Kingdom Come not They Heaven Go, Thy Kingdom come (the blueprint of all prayers says we are not going to heaven but that there is a Kingdom to come) 

Revelation 20:

Revelation 2:26

Acts 1:10

Zachariah 14:4

Daniel 7:14-27


58a Half Way Tree Road, Kingston, Jamaica | 29°C

Remove Logo

Add "University of Technology Jamaica" followed by Community Service Module 

Shrink size if text in boxes 

Add if you're having any issues contact lecturer 

Switch around the girl and the question 


Manley Meadows, Kingston, Jamaica | 30°C

Short Term:

Shared Goals:

1. To achieve a complete Keeto Diet by July 12, 2022 by reducing carbs and sugar intake.

2. To have a diverse portfolio of financial vehicles such as stocks and bonds by July 12, 2022.



I was at Rodney's Arm in Portmore listening the beautiful OST of Violet Evergarden. I'm hopeful. Even if I have no reason to be. 




Day 29:

I intended to do some grand daily gesture to count 
the best option 



I was on my way to work. As I usually would be. I decided to take this video. A second from each day, at random. It can only be one video too. Hm. I reached an understanding with James. The Photographer. 





Yes, this is neglect. I haven't consulted you in so long. There's been... SO MUCH going on. It would have been the best time to talk to you. I'm sorry I didn't. I faded out, tubed you out and conciously put you down. Soo many feelings. So many loses. 

What I can't tell you first hand now has been internalized. I have gotten good at that you see. That doesn't mean I don't still need you. 

I am to be married in less that 60 days. How unreal of a thought. I can see it but I cannot feel it. So much resources and time has been spent on an affair that will only last a few minutes. That's a deep a telling sign of significance not ignorance and waste.

I do wish I could tell you more but I so very tired
 I have been standing in the bus for so long. My entire body aches with pain. I'll Be home soon. 

Future Me. 


3774403 - Chinese Shop


Date: May 7, 2021
Estimated Start Time: 4:00
Location: My house (Lot 234 Ventura Road Bridgeport Portmore, St. Catherine) 
Projected Duration: 30 - 45 Minutes

Event details:





Veronae Vaniele Emilly Findlay. I have known you all my life.
You have always been that forever friend. You've been my helper, my confidant, my supporter, a source of strength, and my desire.
I'm here on one knee
I admire your annoyances for, I know it as persistence. I appreciate your critics because I know it as care. I welcome your headstrong nature, for I know it as intentionality. I am in love with your passion because I have to. 

You know how I feel about you. You know what I want for you. And that has led me here. In a room filled with those, we love and adore. To formally ask you, Veronae Vaniele Emilly Findlay, will you marry me?


Hi, My names is Brandon Hendricks, a student amateur story teller and professional illustrator.

The title of my media project is Days in my life. It's a illustrative journal of real life experiences and sentiments, analyzed and summarized into lessons and practices for the purpose of self improvement.


10 Second UTECH introduction 

Video Production Details
The video production will feature students speaking about their CSP experiences via Zoom or another video conferencing software. The students answer a series of questions that are below. Each student will be allowed to answer each question and their responses recorded. The recordings are edited and compiled, later becoming a testimonial video for the Community Service Project class.


Shirley Hotel - 876-927-9208


I have never been sold on the idea of a God. The concept seemed so distant from reality. Fairytale in fn fact, borderline laughable. Growing up in a Jewish household with these ideologies was uncanny, I'd often times have to represss my feelings and express disingenuous notions. It felt unfair, wrong and as a Scottish friend of mine once told me "a total ripe piece of sht. Out of curiosity and th pursuit of absolution, I forced myself to understand God, and not from a religious stand point, no, too many of them are blind believers with very little knowledge. What I needed I was irrefutable proof for or against the Existence of God. I would spend hours of day, days out a week, months of a year reading, listening, thinking and absorbing the information I was receiving. I would lose myself in the ideas of great minds like Jordan P. Peterson, Joe Rogan, Plato, Socrates, Darwin, Aristotle, Friedrich Nietzsche and so much others. Brilliant minds who took extremely unique stances to the topic of divinity and Godship.

I've drifted from atheism, agnosticism, theism, the whole works. I've engrossed myself in the teachings of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, nihilism, fatalism, marxism (scary), pragmatism, Judaism, Catholicism, Spritism, scietism and much more. Theological, philosophical and scientific teachings are the cornerstones of my stance in God. 

I am young, I am aware of this. However, my age is not an indictment on the information I am presenting and have presented to you. Wisdom isn't developed solely through life experience, it is better nurtured through practices like critical thinking, objective inquisition, applying the scientific method and listening. 

Everyone had something they are a slave to. Yes, you have a master. For some people that is God. For others, shopping, career progression, a successful marriage, family. Others are more ethereal and abstract like greed, lust, gluttony and so on. Everyone has something they are beholden to. It shapes the way they act, think, perceive and exist. An unfortunate occurrence is the fact that not many people know what or who their master is. This was the case for me for many years, until one day on a particularly overcast evening at a desk where I've been menu times before in a office that once suffocated me, my entire world shifted as I realized my master is the constant pursuit of knowledge and self improvement. 

Perhaps, I have lost you, what does this have to do with God maybe? 

Everyone has something there are a sleeve to, everyone answers to a power that is somehow above them, where it leads they follow. After careful analysis, I had already concluded that they Judeo-christian belief system to be the most plausible but even so I couldn't accept the idea of God.

Until I realized what 'God' actually means.

The body of law is something that you act out. That’s why it’s a body of law. That’s why, if you’re a good citizen, you act out the body of law. The body of law has principles. Ok, so the question is, what are the principles that guide our behaviour? Well, that’s something like what the archaic Israelites meant by ‘God.’ It’s not a good enough explanation, but imagine that you are a chimpanzee, and you have a powerful dominant figure at the pinnacle of your society. That represents ‘power’, more than that, because it’s not sheer physical prowess that keeps a chimp at the top of the hierarchy. It’s much more complicated than that.

You could say there’s a principle that the dominant person manifests, and then you might say that principle shines forth even more brightly, if you know 10 people who are dominant and powerful. Then you could extract out what ‘dominance’ means from that. You can extract what ‘power’ means from that, and then you can divorce the concept from the people. We had to do that, at some point, because we can say ‘power,’ in the human context, and we can imagine what that means. But it’s divorced from any specific manifestation of power. 

Think about it. We’re in these hierarchies, many of them across centuries. We’re trying to figure out what the guiding principle is. We’re trying to extract out the core of the guiding principles, and we turn that into a representation of a pattern of being. That’s God. It’s an abstracted ideal, and it manifests itself in personified form. That’s ok, because what we’re trying to get at is, in some sense, the essence of what it means to be a properly functioning, properly social, and properly competent individual. We’re trying to figure out what that means. You need an embodiment. You need an ideal that’s abstracted, that you could act out, that would enable you to understand what that means. That’s what we’ve been driving at as species. 

We desire to be attached to something, for me that manifestation was the Christian 'God', an ideal I have pledged myself to.

What are you beholden to?


Media Project Ideas

Big black Number on lesson pages, hand written


Toungue speaking

Peter only use 



So very, very depressed. I need you to work on not letting displeasing situations affect your primary mood. You are 23, your an adult a man a prospective husband. Get your affairs in order. Thrust yourself into the chaos if you have to, but get over this mental block, it's an unnecessary part of yourself. It is not useful. It does not make you unique. Discard it. 

You are more than you think. Do better, and take care Future me. 



I'm writing a lot today. I took a peek at the tags. From my station it's a long forgotten feature to categorize my words to you. How sad of me to not be able to accept or change my own truth. The one I am currently living. I probably shouldn't let my children read these entries, I've written down more things to be depressed about than things to be happy about. Maybe that for the best. A sober mind over a care free one I suppose. Where the hell will I be in 1 years time, I didn't see where I am now coming, I'm grateful and surprised. I also want to build upon it, I truly desire this. 

You're at a crossroads. Take the best bloody turn. For all of Us. Future Me.



So much is going on, lots of over due, due and to be due. I've almost reached my limit. I cannot be bothered anymore. So, very tired. You'll need to help yourself. Get your act together. This is the time to lay the bricks. You will not get another chance like this. Make the best decisions. I do not want to fail. Just this once, overcome your sorry state and do better, you need to be better. 

Do this, Future me.



You're in love with the Piano. How far I've come along life's journey. Especially in music. The universal language, a half Truth, half lie. A profound example of equivocation. The music isn't of itself the unifying factor, it shares no common ideal, perhaps a message if it's sullied by words but it's true unifying factor comes from it's intrinsic ability to bring us into a transcendent state, a higher consciousness. That feeling doesn't need language, words to understand. It simply is. And that feeling us what unifies us a people. I like the piano as of now, learn it Future me.


5 stanzas
Free versé

Général Idea: America is built by the black slaves and however hard they try, they cannot erase that stain on thier history. 
The literal blood, sweat and tears of African slaves built the nation of America from the ground up. 
"Les neiges fleurissent ... c'est ma sueur féconde c'est mon sang ta richesse" 

The offset lines could represent America's efforts to remove the story of the black slaves from their history.

Analyze the Title, talk about the background and how it influences the coming words, and how the words are linked to the title. 

Another taking point would be to talk about the speaker, what seems like thier motivation, their tone and the use of words, if they are attached to the words they speak and seems like their audience

Talk about the theme. What situation is the speaker referencing? 


America : land of the free that is built on slavery of blacks



Has it really been a week since I've talked you my old friend? The days have become so burdensome time tends to pass me by. It has it pro's and con's. I'm on my way to church. You have a presentation to control for palm, a logo to create, shopping to do with Veronae, as well as spending the weekend, a media project to finally buckle down and do. Money to keep track of and manage and make it grow, an animation to complete, a mission statement to craft, a hairstyle to commit to a body to build, a marriage to form and the a foundation to carefully lay with each action, each word all knowing these will determine the rest of your life. And even still so much more. Time is against me.

You aren't alone but you feel alone. You'll be fine, take care Future me. 



What's it like being an addict?

It's all fun and games at first. 

So before you know it, you're using needles because you're only going to try it once and that turns to twice and so on. Needles are illegal to buy in many states, so you get them where you can and from who you can and use them over and over again until they're dull and that can leave tracks.
Eventually you start waking up feeling like you have the flu everyday along with horrible anxiety and you can’t function…so you wait for your drug dealer to tell you to come through. You become dependent on your dealer and that starts to affect your life. You start lying to your family about being at work or school, or wherever you would normally be.
Then one day you don't have anymore money because you missed work because you were stuck waiting on the dopeman bc you're too sick to work and you lost your job. Maybe you start stealing or selling your things. Everyday is a struggle to get the money you need to stay well. It is then your family and friends start to fall away and you spend your time using or trying to find ways and time and money to use just to feel normal.
You have to start working along every vein you have in your arms, legs, hands and feet (which really hurt), because your veins start to collapse and it takes longer and longer to find a spot to hit. So, once you finally score , you are sitting in your car or your room or at the dope house for a half hour fishing for a vein with a needle feeling nauseous, shaky, paranoid, achey, runny nose, watery eyes, diarrhea, feeling like any minute you'll puke or shit your pants just to make that misery stop… Then, once you inject, you can move on with your day and try to do damage control with your family or friends, if possible, and they just look at you like you're pathetic. Nobody wants to be around you anymore.
Eventually you start getting scary wake up calls like seeing all your drug addict friends OD and die but YOU can stop anytime you want to and you're smarter than they are….right? You know how to manage your dose… so you tell yourself it won't happen to you. Finally, you either get caught buying, possessing or using drugs or committing crimes for money to buy drugs and go detox in jail OR you accidentally overdose yourself.
If you do live, you wake up with a tube down your throat with your lungs filled with fluid. You tell yourself you'll stop… but when you get home you are so sick from the narcan sucking all of the drugs from your receptors. Maybe you still have some left or you are so sick, you go back and buy some more telling yourself “just 1 more time”. You just need to get well then you'll check into rehab and they will fix you. Then before you know it, you've put the rehab plans off until next week, then next month. You don't realize rehab probably has a 3 month waitlist and if you don't have insurance you're screwed.
Eventually if you do it long enough, all your veins will collapse and your body will start rejecting the drug… your immune system starts breaking down, which causes infections like abscesses, also your kidneys stop functioning normally and you retain a lot of water, your digestive tract is all screwed up so youre always constipated and your brain chemistry is so out of whack. At this point, you start to hate yourself because you want to stop but you can't. So you end up feeling like just a ghost of your former self and you've been taken over by the devil himself because you're doing something you don't even want to do anymore . You don't know how else to carry on. It's like watching yourself slowly commit suicide and feeling unable to stop yourself.
Everyone else hates you too by then, so why not keep using, right? Well, because you'll die, but a lot of people actually don't even care if they die by that point because their lives are already a living hell and society tells you you're weak and worthless.
If you finally want to get clean, you have to get on the waitlist for rehab, and that usually takes about 3 months. Hopefully you're still alive by then and hopefully you still want to quit. At rehab they detox you then send you out the door which feels like being fed to the wolves because you feel overwhelmed. Everybody expects you to be back the way you used to be but your brain chemistry is severely alerted and you can't cope with feelings or stress because the drug did that for you for so long. You go back to the same environment you were in before with the same stressors and the same triggers and thats when most people relapse.
The number of people who actually stay clean after rehab is about 20% and that takes into consideration all drugs including alcohol. After rehab or a vacation at the county jail is when people die because their tolerance is all the way back down and they overestimate how much to use and overdose.You may live and repeat the cycle or you may eventually die.
If you do end up breaking the cycle, that's actually the hardest part of the whole thing… trying to learn how to live life again while doing damage control and suppressing your urges to use because that's all your mind thinks about anymore. You become convinced that you deserve this and that this is all there is to look forward to. Sound like fun to you?



You are down, but far higher than you'd usually be. Putting joy first and receiving validation on confirmation of love has contributed to your raised spirits. It's a good start, but there is a lot more work to do. Don't stop the progress future me. I am not saying you will never be sad but fight and fight against the future of light. You are able, you are capable, you will know true happiness again. Enjoy the space you now occupy. Future me. I love you. 



I am so stressed out, so tired, so disconnected from everything and everyone. I'm in a cold state where the warmth of love is not reaching me. I've been abandoned in one of the worst wats possible. I am here but not here, you see me but haven't seen me, I am heard even though vI do not speak. I'm a shell occupying my own space while the true me dies a long, slow and painful death. This is a dark time.



The perfect time to write. How mello LoFi music makes me. The city is washing away on this Sabbath morning, a rare occurrence. Spring rains, even in the midst of all things good and renewed rain may fall and leave a memorable pour on your plans. Rise above the rain and even the clouds so you may see the sun again. 

Don't fall prey to regret, for ignorance and arrogance are the cornerstones of regret.



I don't feel writing, I feel overwhelmed, there's so much to do, so much I'm not in top of so many fakes that need completing I'm drowning in a sea of responsibility. I need, well, you need a better swimming technique. Don't carry this forward, you need a clear schedule. A definitive path to completion, you are tired of the juggling. You want peace, and time to tackle challenges. You want to see them long before enter your space. No need to overwhelm yourself. Remember this. Future me. God is in control, and there are still things you can control too. Be well, Future me. 



LoFi for Angels (Only)

I'm on my way home. You can see the time, it's a few hours after curfew. Mother is carrying me home. I spend my day with Veronae instead of going to work. I love her, but that is an obvious relapse, it's a trap that'll lead to your undoing. I don't know, in what way this letter will reach you but never give up even after everything push forward that is what YOU DO. 

There a snakes in the field, but that doesn't make the field any less beautiful. Take care, Future me. 



I completed another work related task, I need to the media project at this point I'm clearly procrastinating and that won't get me anywhere. I moved my away from my desk to sit an at another because I asked quite seriously I might add of my coworkers if she would like me to move and she said yes. So I moved, It didn't feel much different from where I was and now am because I moved back not for her but because my desk has folks I could only use at that desk, I might move back. I took glancez over on a few occasions and wondered if this was more than I ask taking it to mean, which was nothing. Is this more than nothing? 

Doesn't matter really, I don't think I can handle this soup only routine. I am starving. And that is not okay. I felt very overwhelmed last night, I felt like all aspects of my life were falling apart and I couldn't handle it. I gave up for a few shirt minutes but for the first time in a long long time I felt truly defeated. And I'm sorry because that's not the kind future I want for you, past me, and the memories for you Future me. I found strength in comfort of the almighty's sovereignty. He's in control even when my life spins on its axis. I just need to trust him, and that I will do. Even so I can't let go of the concerns I have about my relationship.



I enjoy the wind. The free flowing almost weightless experience, I tried to enjoy a bit of it in a crowded bus by letting myself go and despite the Hysteria of covid-19. I felt more relaxed more alive. I want the full experience one day, give that to me future me. 



I'm afraid, I'm very afraid and this time everything scares me. I'm worried about the future, weighed down by the responsibilities of the present without any form of reprieve because of the demons that haunt me in my sleep. 

I'm starting the journey of going through this Journal to some up my life in the past 4 years. There are gaps perhaps for good reason, but I can't keep doing this to myself. To you. I have to keep my commitment to you. The reason I started writing down words in the first place. I can feel the sadness and pain radiate through this Journal. You are going to experience so much Past me. So many hardships, they may feel like they outweigh the good times but remain steadfast as I did, as you will, because I am you, I am your future, and I will be leading us down the path of life. 

The dream: 

Trapped in a chair, after being taken away by something I was pierced by many things, and ultimately devoured by beasts emerging from eggs. I could feel the terror, I didn't want to die, but a voice told me "be brave" . I died horribly before I could awaken. 

The media project:

The time to start the project that will be the defining piece of my bachelor's degree, I took far too long to complete this, I lost more things and people than I gained, I hate myself more than I do anything external for how it all played out, it is all my fault and I am very sorry for those who had to support me. I am a wreck. But I am trying to be better. Accepting and facing your own failure is hard. I feel so sad. So very sad.

The Music:

I got into lofi, I used to hate on it. Out of pure ignorance, this? This is music. It has helped me to deal with the challenges of working for the JIS. Yes, that is also something I never mentioned formally, I am working, I have been consecutively doing so for the past 6 months. I've been here everyday outside of the appointed times and days when I was sick, which were very few. I suppose that's something to be proud of. I never thought I'd be able to integrate into society and the work life like that. That was a very good achievement.

The Now:
I'm at work, it's a Monday morning, I answered the direct line, Janea, your coworker asked you to tell your other co worker Dian Dawkins, that she is not feeling well, Dian is like a mother to you and you haven't really processed her comment about her leaving yet. You will soon have to. You complimented your other Co worker, Tamika Cunningham, beautiful young woman who am I clearly attracted to. And I know I only am because she is unknown and forbidden. I know too much to spring a very obvious trap. Also, I am far more attracted to another. Even if I at regular intervals doubt her from time to time. I suppose it's time to talk about the gap. 

The Gap:
I am not sure what or how long it's been since my last string of consecutive entries into my journal but I believe my last good record was at least 2 years ago. Since then I've been on and off, losing my self in the whirlwind that is life. Failing to capture those moments instead of simply living them. But maybe I'm being too hard on myself. We survived 2020 the year of much destruction. Your relationship with Veronae fell apart on multiple occasions, bursting at the seams on two occasions because of her love for someone else. They possessed the ability to fulfill her need for mental stimulation far greater than you have ever done. You bore the weight and pain of that sound and supported her right through it. 



10 Things That I Love About Veronae Findlay

I love her playful attitude
I lover how her mind works, her ability to reason and engage in discussion
I love her passion and zeal for the things that truly matter to her
I love how compassionate she is towards others, her ability to selflessly put other before herself
I love how she contends for the faith, and nourishes the seed God has planted within her
I love how she invests in me and out relationship
I love how committed and intentional she is towards our life together
I love her ability to find joy, hope and positivity in the midst of stormy and rocky times
I love her always on the rise, self Improvement attitude.
I love that she deeply Loves God, because her Love for Him flows like a river thorough our relationship. Username
xyz - passwor



"Die with memories, not with dreams"


“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”



I am staring at the seat where you once sat full of fear, confidence, uncertainty, hope muddled into an uncomfortable mix of emotion. Yet here I stand months later, a conquerer. I accomplished what you hoped for. I am happy but equally sad, because I know what awaits you on your journey to becoming me. By the time you are here, I will be long gone. The friend I am destined to never meet. I do my best for you when I can... future me.


Numbers 18 22 31


Micah, Hosea, Habakkuk, Amos 


Why did God Create Man? What is man's purpose?
How can man become God?
Can God recreate, reproduce himself?

John 17:1-5

Is Jesus God?

Titus 2:13
1 John 5:20 - Establishing that Jesus is God.
John 20:28 - Thomas refered to Jesus as God.
John 5:18 - Jesus said he was the son of God

Steven prayed to Jesus and called him Stephen

Philippians 2:7 - God emptied himself and became like a servant and was restored to Godhood after.

Success is measured in material assets on Earth. Wealth that depletes over time. Is this all we live for?

Everyone must die regardless of thier standing in life.

1 Corinthians 15: 16-19 - If the Jesus was not raised, everyone and everything would be lost and futile

Will we be like Jesus who is God?
Hebrew 2:6-11 - Jesus came down as man to die for everyone to pave a way for them to receive glory in the same way He did.

The purpose of man to God is to expand the God Family. 


Galatians 4:10 - Analysis

Artemis was the daughter of Zeus

Is the text in favour of Christmas or against it?

How would Paul feel about Christmas being observed today?

God knows all, if he deemed the birth of Jesus to be celebrated he would have mentioned it.

Paul would have been very inconsistent if he was referring to the sabbath and feast days. Them later on in acts 18 say he must by all means keep the sabbath. 

The word Pagan has lost its meaning, it's better refer to it as Idolatry.

Deuteronomy 12 - Do not use what the pagans use to worship God. 

Paul would be very upset about the keeping of Christmas, the language of the text shows this. 

The feasr days were mentioned in the new testament for those who question the old testament. 

The bible is separated in chapters but it is all one coherent message. Paul was alternating between the gentiles and the Jews. 

Deuteronomy 14?

There is no need celebrate the birthday of a dead relative, in a similar way it is futile to celebrate his birthday day. Jesus will never exist in that capacity again. Additionally it was less if a birth and more of a transition from Godhood into man. A truly magnificent event. 

Christmas focuses so heavily on his 'birth' without any follow and link to the gospel of the coming kingdom of God. 



Me, in the middle. The me that gets me where I'm headed and is rarely remembered. The transporter, how are you?



Directing a production was a new experience for me. I am accustomed to being one of the many moving pieces bringing everything together not controlling them. I learned the value of preparation, adaptability, versatility and contingency plans. 

Despite not meeting a majority of my teammates till the day of production I appreciate the level of support and Synergy we displayed on the day. We overcame the various challenges and emerged more knowledgeable about woes and vices of production. 

Being the host of the different segments forced me out of my comfort zone and the same applies to everyone else. I'm reserved and that role requires exuberance and stage presence. My teammates ideas were good and I believe they did well with what they had on the day. 


Short Term - 
Nails appointment
Face Masks Together

Daily -
Sings with deep meaning
Pray daily, on my way to work. 
Use endearing name's


When peace like a river attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well with my soul
It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come
Let this blest assurance control
That Christ (yes, He has) has regarded my helpless estate
And has shed His own blood for my soul
It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul
My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought (a thought)
My sin, not in part, but the whole (every bit, every bit, all of it)
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more (yes!)
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul
Sing it as well
It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul
And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend
Even so, it is well with my soul!
It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul
Sing up to Jesus, it is well!
It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul


Ladies...if you feel that way, and you feel that way often, break up with them. You deserve better. They may not be a bad person, and you may love the hell out of them, but you need to love you too. Leave them. It’ll be hard but it needs to happen if you aren’t happy in the relationship. I don’t know who needs to hear it but...that’s the truth.


Roses are red, Violets are blue,  Sugar is sweet, and perhaps you are too  But the roses have wilted, the violets are dead,  The sugar bowl's empty, your wrists are stained red.  The sun isn't shining, the sky isn't clear,   There's no sliver lining cause you're no longer here,  Rain keeps pouring, there's no end in sight,  You're laying there frozen, so far from the light,  Your beauty's unreal, your smile the sun,  But time can't be unturned, nor your actions undone,   The words that you wrote, that I only read,  "I love you so much; please don't cry when I'm dead"


Corporate Services:
Campbell Charlene - 1,2
Chambers Camille - 1,2 
Hayles Camille - 1, 2, 3

Finance :
Carr Marcia - 1, 2, 3, 4 
Edwards Melissa - 1,2
Green Maureen - 1, 2, 3, 4
Miller-Williams Vivian - 1, 2, 3
Moore Karlene - 1, 2, 3
Orr Ova - 1, 2, 3
Salmon Spence - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Spaulding-Lindo Nadia - 1,2, 3, 4, 5
Wilkins Leonard - 1, 2
Wright Roxanne - 1, 2, 3, 4

Office Management:
Christie Hazel - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Dunbar Arlene - 2
Ferguson Meranda - 1
Gordon Maria - 1, 2, 3
Green Ayanna - 1, 2
James Earl - 1, 2, 3, 4 
Kelly Anthony - 1, 2
Samuels Michael - 1
Smith Doris - 1, 2
Thompson Maureen - 1
Waysome Zoe - 1
Williams John - 1, 2

Customer Relations:
Card Keisha - 1, 2, 3
Dawkins Colleen - 1
Eccleston Monika - 1
Gayle Joan - 1, 2, 3, 4
Grant Rosheika - 1, 2
Hartman-Reckford Elaine - 1, 2, 3
Heslop Linton - 1, 2
Henry Charnelle - 1
Hodges Peta-Gay - 1, 2, 3
Hunter Judith - 1, 1.1, 2, 3
McPherson Veta - 1, 2, 3
Nichols Ramon - 1
Salmon Shanna Kay - 1
Wheels Twila - 1, 2 
Wilson Kendrick - 1

Executive Office:
Ade-Gold Christine Abiola - 1, 2, 3

Internal Audit:
Brown Njrie - 1, 2, 3
Cunningham-Campbell Paulette - 1, 2, 3

Human Resources:
Cunningham Tamika - 1, 2
Dawkins Dian - 1, 2, 3

Barret Navario - 1
Bembridge Rennee - 1
Brown Lageorgia - 1
Brown Shanique - 1
Dixon Sabrina - 1
Downer Jody-Ann -1
Dyer Sasha - 1
Flemmings Lotasha - 1
Mathews Dontae - 1
McMorris Abraham - 1
Khouri Nachelle - 1
Richards Tyesha - 1
Samuels Daina - 1
Skeen Andre - 1, ?
Wallace Rushawn - 1
Wedderburn, Sherelyn - 1
Webber-Reid, Tracy-Ann -1
Whitehorn Evanna - 1
Wright Shane - 1

Angus Garfield - 1, 2, 3, 4
Linton Latoya - 1, 2
Mcintosh, Douglas 1, 2
Morris Ainsworth - 1, 2
Mundle Tanesha - 1
Patterson Chris - 1,2, 3
Thompson Chinloy Tracey - 1, 2, 3, 4
Saunders, Annastacia - 1
Smith-Edwards Alecia - 1, 2, 3
Williams Rochelle - 1, 2

Bailey Faith - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Bell Mark - 1, 2, 3, 4
Delahaye Donald - 1, 2
Rudranath 1, 1.1, 2
Hutchinson Yhomo - 1, 2, 3
Palmer Jodi- Ann - 1
Reid Dave - 1, 2, 3
Shrouder Maxine - 1, 2, 3, 4
Sloley Michael - 1, 2
Walker Adrian - 1

Régional Services
Campbell Kavanaugh - 1, 2, 3, 4
Freeburn Sheldon - 1, 2, 3, 4
Grant Serena - 1, 2
Henry, Okoye - ?, 2
Nembhard Avair - 1, 2, 3
Reid Paulette - 1, 2
Sterling Nickieta - 1
Stewart Jermaine - 1, 2, 3
Whittingham-Thompson Ann-Marie - 1, 2
Young Dwayne - 1, 2, 3

Research & Publications 
Anglin Lysandra - 1, 2
Arscott Blaine - 1
Bell McKenzie - ?, 2, 3
Brooks Nicole - 1
Campbell Harrison Odean - 1, 2, 3
Grizzle Nathan - 1, 2
Johnson, Asha-Lee - 1
Johnson Paul - 1, 2, 3
McNabb Tasheima - 1
Rhule Leonie - 1, 2
Taylor Roby - 1, 2
Thomas Rupert - 1, 2, 3

Computer Services:
Campbell Andrew - 1, 2, 3
Cha Anthony - 1, 2
Lewis Alex - 1
Murray Akeem - 1
Ogilvie Kamroy - 1
Rupert Pitter - 1
Stewart Candice - 1
Javan Turner - 1

Davis Vaughn - ?, 2, 3
James-Sawyers Anjuii 1, 2
Morgan Anthony - 1
Nelson Jermi-Lee - 1
Palmer Andrea - 1, 2, 3
Samuels Joel - 1, 2
Sawyers Andre - 1, 2
Silvera Vanessa - 1, 2

Television - 
Atkinson Adrian - 1, 2
Bailey Roberts Latisha - 1, 2 , 3
Bishop Carry - 1, 1.1, 2, 3
Bragg Huggo - 1, 2
Brown Maurice - 1, 2, 3, 4
Byrd Shernette - 1, 2, 3
Carty Roshena - 1, 2 
Duggan Janeisha - 1, 2 
Duhaney Rickardo - 1
Ewers Cleon - 1, 2
Francis Nigel - 1, 2, 3, 4
Francis Shenisea - 1, 2 
Gayle Gregg - 1, 2, 3
Graham-Campbell Antoinette - 1, 2
Gray Tasonia - 1
Green Omar - 1, 2, 3
Harris Shemar - 1
Henry Theodore - 1, 2
Hines Shaquille - 1, 2 
Johnson Anthony - 1, 2, 3 , 4 
Johnson Claude - 1, 2 3, 4
Kerr Michael - 1, 2, 3
McCalla Kerron - 1, 2, 3
Lee Francine - 1, 2
Harris Shemar - 1, 2
Patterson Donavon - 1, 2, 3, 4
Patterson Phillip - 1, 2, 3
Plummer Rasheem
Porter Samantha - 1
Reid Hylton Simone 1,2
Pottinger, Mario - 1,2
Reid Hylton Simone - 1, 2, 3
Rhoden Romaine - 1
Robinson Gregory - 1
Richards Seaton ?, 2, 3, 4
Salmon Neville - 1
Senior Sherose - 1
Smith Georgene - 1, 2, 3, 4
Swirl Jestina - 1, 2
Thomas Celestine - 1, 2
Thompson Shelly - Ann - 1, 2, 3, 4
Thompson Burnside Simone - 1, 2 
Vanhorne-Christie Winsome - 1, 2, 3
Walters Britney - 1
West Uton - 1
Whylie Pauline - 1, 2, 3
Williams Kevone - 1, 2
Wolfe Simone - 1, 2, 3
Young Alex - 1


Sadness beyond measure fills my heart. She is gone. I am alone. The path before me is obscure I can only see what is in front of me. Why has the future become so dark. 


The Last Great Day - The True Gospel of the coming Kingdom of God

John 3:17
1 Cor 15:22

2 Peter 2:9

Isaiah 55:11 - God's word are not empty

Ezekiel 37:1-14 - Jesus, spoke to bones and after they have risen they would come to know him.

Revelation 20:5 - People are raised after the thousand years

Revelation 20:11 - Names of the recorded dead and their actions

Hebrews 6:4 - No second Chance

Hebrews 10:12 - No second Chance

1 Corinthians 15:20 - The dead in Christ 

Romans 11:16

John 17:19

James 1:18

Joshua 3:5

John 17:19

1 Corinthians 19: 20


Things to work on with Verr




You are capable of being that guy. I left it just now, it makes me feel heavy, uncomfortable. But it is true. That man who wholeheartedly believes in God.


You are to write notes. Everyone is doing it. And, no. That is not your reason taking notes. Oh I forget what to tell you what you should record. The messages of the feast. 

The points I can recall are as follows:

1 Peter 2:9

What is the significance of being a King or Priest? 

The jewish people who Peter spoke to could not accept the idea of kings and priests being combined.

The were separated.

Kings came from tribe of Judah
Priests came from the tribe of Aron

Two kings were punished for attempting to do this.

Saul and Uriah

Saul took it upon himself to perform the sacrificial rite. This was not allowed. 

The combined office of King and Priest can only be obtained by someone like Jesus.

God is bestowing a gift to

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