
"When do you think abortion should be legal? "

Obviously, my actual answer wasn't provided as an option. Furthermore, prehaps you're using the same term for "abortion" as I do.

Here's a questionare for you: Is life sacred?

You believe YES -> then I believe abortion should always be illegal. No exceptions! Ever! Mother had a baby they don't want? Well, should have used birth control! Was the woman raped? Easy: just give her medication and money to help her through the 9 to 10 to 20 months and hang the rapist by their dick / toes. Did giving birth kill the rape victim? Oh well that sucks. Just give all of the offender's possessions to the victim's survivors, and if that doesn't cover everything then the tax payers should pay. Government should have done a better job making sure there weren't any rapists.

You believe NO -> then I believe abortion should always be legal. Life of mother in danger? Abort. Rape victim? Abort both the fetus and the rapist.

Unfortunately, that's not the definition that is commonly used by the zombie-husks! They use the words "life sacred, ban abortion" when they ACTUALLY like to shoot children in the stomach with a sniper, and tinker with a baby's genitals to match their sick twisted fantasies, and promote rape and reward rapists. They love punishing rape victims too. Steal from the victim, torture them, bully them. And then these shits go ahead and abort children when they reach the age of 21 (or sometimes even younger) because "mah guns!" or "that nigger looked at the cashier funnie". Yet they go on and yell "abortion bad! bad bad sin sin"

"Mother can't afford to have the child" That's nonsense! Take the money from the rapist! If that's not enough get the government to pay them! "Oh hurr durr, but tax money, or something" No! Most of the money just goes to rich rapists anyways. Just have the government demand that doesn't happen, and then having the child is cheaper! (systemic change)

"The mother believes having the child would interfere with her educational or career aspirations". I also don't believe that! Why does the mother need to go to school? Or have a career? To make money? That's capitalist bullshit. Women, like men, and enbies, and nonbios - EVERYONE, should have the freedom to seek education whenever they wish. They should be able to work whenever they wish. "oh but having the babie will make me fail my exams" then take the course again next year - you'll be extra prepped for it! "but no monie" WRONG! Education should be free and/or see my previous paragraph. "oh butbut then Linda is going to get the promotion instead of me" oh hmm well that sucks, I don't really have an answer for that. But successfully birthing a child could celebrated as its own reward, even more worthy than getting promoted to D suite? I dunno. (systemic change)

As long the vile scum exist on this planet, then it is not practial or good to conditionally tie abortion with whether life is sacred or not. As long as rape victims are punished, and as long as children are aborted after birth: what you may call "abortion" must always be legal.

" Should the federal government provide cash payments to the descendants of slavery, so called reparations? "

Ha - haha - okay, so let's experiment. Let's say no reparations are paid. When is the cutoff? "cutoff?" Yeah - how much time after a theft or crime is it okay? So if I steal from a rich rape-y capitalist colonist scum (let's call them "McRapey"), how many years do I have to wait before I no longer get charged for the "crime"? One year? 20 years? Oh - oh - am I hearing this right? The end of the universe? But when McRapey steals and pillages and rapes and enslaves, it's fine? "Oh butt the gov'ment never said it was o.k. for you to steal from McRapey, but many years agao the gov'mint said it was o.k. for McRapey to have forced child planning and property acquisition with the niggies". Okay so let me get this right - this is only a discussion because the government - controlled by McRapey and his McRapists Foundation - said it was okay some time ago. If we let them get away with a crime because it wasn't a crime 100 years ago... then they're just going to lower to 99 years. 90 years. 50 years. 20 years. 4 years. 0 years. -2 years! It's now a crime to NOT rape indigenous people and people of colour! Oh WAIT - that's already happened today! Go look at the "Democratic" (Autocratic) "Party" just a few days ago. They punish the Jew's Voice For Peace, and promise to shoot more Palestinian children in the stomach, and declare protesters and terrorist helpers.

So of course I must support reparations. "oh but the monie could be used for other things, to hlep every1" no you mean the money should just go to McRape so they can continue to enslave currently and formerly slaves.

"In the future, how often do you think you will vote for a Republican? "

I don't know! What the hell is a Republican? Democrats support shooting children, committing genocide, kidnapping children, throwing black people in prison. What the fuck would I vote for that? Because they're the lesser evil? Okay sure. But are Republicans always going to be even more rapey and genocidal? I dunno. Words don't mean anything anymore, and names doubly so.

"Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious services? "

Talking about my religion in public is against the rules where I reside.

"... personal views ... morality ... Birth control"


"... Pre-marital sex ..."


" ... Homosexuality ..."


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