
import random  # noqa # pylint: disable=unused-import
import pythia.util  # noqa # pylint: disable=unused-import

# Made for use with https://github.com/sonjiku/pythia. Just add this file to
# the tables directory and name it evank.py

tableActivities = {}
tableAnimals = {}
tableArchetypes = {}
tableAssets = {}
tableBooks = {}
tableBuildings = {}
tableCareers = {}
tableCarousing = {}
tableCityEvents = {}
tableCityThemes = {}
tableClothing = {}
tableColors = {}
tableDecorations = {}
tableDelusions = {}
tableDelveShifts = {}
tableDisasters = {}
tableDomains = {}
tableDungeons = {}
tableDungeonHazards = {}
tableEffects = {}
tableElements = {}
tableFemaleNames = {}
tableFabrics = {}
tableFactionTraits = {}
tableFactions = {}
tableFood = {}
tableFoodTraits = {}
tableForms = {}
tableGoals = {}
tableHazards = {}
tableIngredients = {}
tableInnNameOne = {}
tableInnNameTwo = {}
tableItemTraits = {}
tableLiabilities = {}
tableLocations = {}
tableMaleNames = {}
tableMagicSchools = {}
tableMannerisms = {}
tableMaterials = {}
tableMechanisms = {}
tableMiscItems = {}
tableMissions = {}
tableMonsterTraits = {}
tableMonsters = {}
tableMutations = {}
tableNpcDetails = {}
tableNpcReactions = {}
tableOrgans = {}
tablePersonalities = {}
tablePlaceTraits = {}
tablePotions = {}
tablePowers = {}
tableProfessions = {}
tableQualities = {}
tableRelationships = {}
tableRewards = {}
tableRoomDetails = {}
tableRoomThemes = {}
tableRooms = {}
tableScents = {}
tableSigns = {}
tableSounds = {}
tableSpells = {}
tableStreetDetails = {}
tableStructures = {}
tableSurnameOne = {}
tableSurnameTwo = {}
tableSymbols = {}
tableTactics = {}
tableTastes = {}
tableTextures = {}
tableTools = {}
tableTrapEffects = {}
tableTravelHazards = {}
tableTravelShifts = {}
tableTreasures = {}
tableWeaknesses = {}
tableWeapons = {}
tableWeather = {}
tableWizardNames = {}

tablePresetHelpers = {}

presetFood = {
    0: "Food",
    1: "tableTraitsFood tableFood"
presetClothing = {
    0: "Clothing",
    1: "tableFabrics tableClothing"

presetCity = {
    0: "City",
    1: "A tableCityThemes city, having tableCityEvents."

presetTripleM = {
    0: "Tripple Mechanism Trap",
    1: "A trap that uses: tableMechanisms, tableMechanisms and tableMechanisms."

tableSecretRooms = {
    0: "Dungeon Room Generator",
    1: "\n(A tableRoomThemes room with tableRoomDetails in it. Delve Shift: tableDelveShifts)",
    2: "\n(A tableRoomThemes room with tableRoomDetails in it.)",
    3: "\n(A tableRoomThemes room with tableRoomDetails in it.)",
    4: "\n(A tableRoomThemes room with tableRoomDetails in it.)",
    5: "\n(A tableRoomThemes room with tableRoomDetails in it.)",
    6: "\n(A tableRoomThemes room with tableRoomDetails in it.)",

tableSecretRoomAmount = {
    0: "Rooms Amounts",
    1: "tableSecretRooms tableSecretRoomAmount",
    2: "tableSecretRooms tableSecretRoomAmount",
    3: "tableSecretRooms tableSecretRoomAmount",
    4: "tableSecretRooms tableSecretRoomAmount",
    5: "tableSecretRooms tableSecretRoomAmount",
    6: "tableSecretRooms tableSecretRoomAmount",
    7: "tableSecretRooms tableSecretRoomAmount",
    8: "tableSecretRooms tableSecretRoomAmount",
    9: "tableSecretRooms tableSecretRoomAmount",
    10: "tableSecretRooms tableSecretRoomAmount",
    11: "tableSecretRooms tableSecretRoomAmount",
    12: "tableSecretRooms tableSecretRoomAmount",
    13: "tableSecretRooms tableSecretRoomAmount",
    14: "tableSecretRooms tableSecretRoomAmount",
    15: "tableSecretRooms tableSecretRoomAmount",
    16: "tableSecretRooms tableSecretRoomAmount",
    17: "tableSecretRooms tableSecretRoomAmount",
    18: "tableSecretRooms tableSecretRoomAmount",
    19: "tableSecretRooms tableSecretRoomAmount",
    20: "tableSecretRooms tableSecretRoomAmount",
    21: "tableSecretRooms",
    22: "tableSecretRooms",
    23: "tableSecretRooms",
    24: "tableSecretRooms",
    25: "",

presetCustomDungeon = {
    0: "CustomDungeon",
    1: "A tableDungeons dungeon with the following rooms: "
       + "tableSecretRooms tableSecretRoomAmount."

presetHexCrawl = {
    0: "CustomDungeon",
    1: "You're in the tablePlaceTraits tableLocations. There is a "
       + "tableStructure somewhere around here. Random encounter.",
    2: "You're in the tablePlaceTraits tableLocations. There is a "
       + "tableStructure somewhere around here. Rest or take damage.",
    3: "You're in the tablePlaceTraits tableLocations. There is a "
       + "tableStructure somewhere around here. Roll for perishables.",
    4: "You're in the tablePlaceTraits tableLocations. There is a "
       + "tableStructure somewhere around here. "
       + "Travel shift: tableTravelShifts.",
    5: "You're in the tablePlaceTraits tableLocations. There is a "
       + "tableStructure somewhere around here. "
       + "Sign: tableSigns",
    6: "You're in the tablePlaceTraits tableLocations. There is a "
       + "tableStructure somewhere around here. "

rollTwoDFour = {
    0: "Roll 2d4",
    1: "1",
    2: "2",
    3: "2",
    4: "3",
    5: "3",
    6: "3",
    7: "4",
    8: "4",
    9: "4",
    10: "4",
    11: "5",
    12: "5",
    13: "5",
    14: "6",
    15: "6",
    16: "7",

tableSecretIngredients = {
    0: "Ingredient",
    1: "rollTwoDFour tableIngredients",

tableSecretIngredientAmount = {
    0: "Ingredients Amounts",
    1: "tableSecretIngredients, tableSecretIngredientAmount",
    2: "tableSecretIngredients, tableSecretIngredientAmount",
    3: "tableSecretIngredients, tableSecretIngredientAmount",
    4: "tableSecretIngredients, tableSecretIngredientAmount",
    5: "tableSecretIngredients, tableSecretIngredientAmount",
    6: "tableSecretIngredients, tableSecretIngredientAmount",
    7: "tableSecretIngredients, tableSecretIngredientAmount",
    8: "tableSecretIngredients, tableSecretIngredientAmount",
    9: "tableSecretIngredients, tableSecretIngredientAmount",
    10: "tableSecretIngredients, tableSecretIngredientAmount",
    11: "tableSecretIngredients, tableSecretIngredientAmount",
    12: "tableSecretIngredients, tableSecretIngredientAmount",
    13: "tableSecretIngredients, tableSecretIngredientAmount",
    14: "tableSecretIngredients, tableSecretIngredientAmount",
    15: "tableSecretIngredients, tableSecretIngredientAmount",
    16: "tableSecretIngredients",
    17: "tableSecretIngredients",
    18: "tableSecretIngredients",
    19: "tableSecretIngredients",
    20: "tableSecretIngredients",

presetCustomPotion = {
    0: "Custom Potion Recipe",
    1: "\nIngredients: tableSecretIngredientAmount"
       + "\n"
       + "Potion of "
       + "tablePotions"
       + "\nColor: tableColors"
       + "\nScent: tableScents"
       + "\nTaste: tableTastes"
       + "\nTexture: tableTextures",
    2: "\nIngredients: tableSecretIngredientAmount"
       + "\n"
       + "Potion of "
       + "tableDelusions"
       + "\nColor: tableColors"
       + "\nScent: tableScents"
       + "\nTaste: tableTastes"
       + "\nTexture: tableTextures",
    3: "\nIngredients: tableSecretIngredientAmount"
       + "\n"
       + "Potion of "
       + "tableMutations"
       + "\nColor: tableColors"
       + "\nScent: tableScents"
       + "\nTaste: tableTastes"
       + "\nTexture: tableTextures",
    4: "\nIngredients: tableSecretIngredientAmount"
       + "\n"
       + "tableQualities "
       + "potion of "
       + "tablePotions"
       + "\nColor: tableColors"
       + "\nScent: tableScents"
       + "\nTaste: tableTastes"
       + "\nTexture: tableTextures",
    5: "\nIngredients: tableSecretIngredientAmount"
       + "\n"
       + "tableQualities "
       + "potion of "
       + "tableDelusions"
       + "\nColor: tableColors"
       + "\nScent: tableScents"
       + "\nTaste: tableTastes"
       + "\nTexture: tableTextures",
    6: "\nIngredients: tableSecretIngredientAmount"
       + "\n"
       + "tableQualities "
       + "potion of "
       + "tableMutations"
       + "\nColor: tableColors"
       + "\nScent: tableScents"
       + "\nTaste: tableTastes"
       + "\nTexture: tableTextures"

tableChaosSpells = {
    0: "Chaos Spell",
    1: ""
       + "tableElements "
       + "tableForms",
    2: ""
       + "tableEffects "
       + "tableForms",
    3: ""
       + "tableEffects "
       + "tableElements",
    4: ""
       + "tableQualities "
       + "tableElements "
       + "tableForms",
    5: ""
       + "tableQualities "
       + "tableEffects "
       + "tableForms",
    6: ""
       + "tableQualities "
       + "tableEffects "
       + "tableElements",
    7: ""
       + "tableWizardNames's "
       + "tableElements "
       + "tableForms",
    8: ""
       + "tableWizardNames's "
       + "tableEffects "
       + "tableForms",
    9: ""
       + "tableWizardNames's "
       + "tableEffects "
       + "tableElements.",
    10: ""
       + "tableWizardNames's "
       + "tableQualities "
       + "tableElements "
       + "tableForms",
    11: ""
       + "tableWizardNames's "
       + "tableQualities "
       + "tableEffects "
       + "tableForms",
    12: ""
       + "tableWizardNames's "
       + "tableQualities "
       + "tableEffects "
       + "tableElements",

tableDungeonHazards = {
    0: "Dungeon Hazards",
    1: "The party has an encounter, usually rolled from a"
       + "table designed for the dungeon. The GM determines"
       + "the encounter’s reaction, activity, distance from"
       + "the party, and if they are surprised (p. 19).",
    2: "Each party member takes 1 damage unless they"
       + "spend the next turn resting. The damage may be"
       + "higher in dungeons with harsh conditions. Ignore"
       + "this result while resting.",
    3: "Lit torches burn out. New torches can be lit from"
       + "the embers of the previous ones.",
    4: "The dungeon environment changes."
       + "If a dungeon doesn’t have any obvious shifts, use"
       + "minor effects like sounds, temperature shifts, wind,"
       + "falling debris, apparitions, or vermin. Use the"
       + "list of shifts (p. 14) as inspiration.",
    5: "The players find a sign (p. 10) that a random"
       + "encounter (p. 19) is nearby. The next time an"
       + "encounter is rolled in this dungeon, the PCs meet"
       + "that creature. Alternatively, reveal a clue to"
       + "something hidden.",
    6: "No effect."
tableTravelHazards = {
    0: "Travel Hazard",
    1: "The party has an encounter, usually rolled from a table designed for "
       + "the region or terrain type. The GM determines the encounter’s "
       + "reaction, activity, distance from the party, and if they are"
       + "surprised (p. 19).",
    2: "Each party member takes 1 damage unless they spend the next watch "
       + "resting. Damage may be higher in severe weather or difficult "
       + "terrain. Ignore this result while resting.",
    3: "Roll a d6 for each perishable item (rations, monster parts, etc.). "
       + "On a 1 it has gone bad.",
    4: "The weather changes or a local event(tableTravelShifts) begins.",
    5: "The players find a sign(tableSigns) that a random encounter "
       + "is nearby. The next time an encounter is rolled in this hex, the "
       + "PCs meet that creature. Alternatively, reveal a clue to something "
       + "hidden.",
    6: "No effect.",

tableWeather = {
    0: "Weather",
    1: "Thunderstorm, blizzard in winter.",
    2: "Thunderstorm, blizzard in winter.",
    3: "Thunderstorm, blizzard in winter.",
    4: "Heavy rain, heavy snow in winter.",
    5: "Heavy rain, heavy snow in winter.",
    6: "Heavy rain, heavy snow in winter.",
    7: "Heavy rain, heavy snow in winter.",
    8: "Heavy rain, heavy snow in winter.",
    9: "Heavy rain, heavy snow in winter.",
    10: "Cold for the season.",
    11: "Cold for the season.",
    12: "Cold for the season.",
    13: "Cold for the season.",
    14: "Cold for the season.",
    15: "Cold for the season.",
    16: "Cold for the season.",
    17: "Cold for the season.",
    18: "Light rain, snow in winter.",
    19: "Light rain, snow in winter.",
    20: "Light rain, snow in winter.",
    21: "Light rain, snow in winter.",
    22: "Light rain, snow in winter.",
    23: "Light rain, snow in winter.",
    24: "Light rain, snow in winter.",
    25: "Light rain, snow in winter.",
    26: "Light rain, snow in winter.",
    27: "Light rain, snow in winter.",
    28: "Light rain, snow in winter.",
    29: "Cool for the season.",
    30: "Cool for the season.",
    31: "Cool for the season.",
    32: "Cool for the season.",
    33: "Cool for the season.",
    34: "Cool for the season.",
    35: "Cool for the season.",
    36: "Cool for the season.",
    37: "Cool for the season.",
    38: "Cool for the season.",
    39: "Cool for the season.",
    40: "Cool for the season.",
    41: "Cool for the season.",
    42: "Cool for the season.",
    43: "Mild for the season.",
    44: "Mild for the season.",
    45: "Mild for the season.",
    46: "Mild for the season.",
    47: "Mild for the season.",
    48: "Mild for the season.",
    49: "Mild for the season.",
    50: "Mild for the season.",
    51: "Mild for the season.",
    52: "Mild for the season.",
    53: "Mild for the season.",
    54: "Mild for the season.",
    55: "Mild for the season.",
    56: "Mild for the season.",
    57: "Mild for the season.",
    58: "Mild for the season.",
    59: "Warm for the season.",
    60: "Warm for the season.",
    61: "Warm for the season.",
    62: "Warm for the season.",
    63: "Warm for the season.",
    64: "Warm for the season.",
    65: "Warm for the season.",
    66: "Warm for the season.",
    67: "Warm for the season.",
    68: "Warm for the season.",
    69: "Warm for the season.",
    70: "Warm for the season.",
    71: "Warm for the season.",
    72: "Warm for the season.",
    73: "Windy.",
    74: "Windy.",
    75: "Windy.",
    76: "Windy.",
    77: "Windy.",
    78: "Windy.",
    79: "Windy.",
    80: "Windy.",
    81: "Windy.",
    82: "Windy.",
    83: "Windy.",
    84: "Hot for the season.",
    85: "Hot for the season.",
    86: "Hot for the season.",
    87: "Hot for the season.",
    88: "Hot for the season.",
    89: "Hot for the season.",
    90: "Hot for the season.",
    91: "Hot for the season.",
    92: "Strong winds.",
    93: "Strong winds.",
    94: "Strong winds.",
    95: "Strong winds.",
    96: "Strong winds.",
    97: "Strong winds.",
    98: "Hail in spring, humidity in summer, fog in fall, frost in winter.",
    99: "Hail in spring, humidity in summer, fog in fall, frost in winter.",
    100: "Hail in spring, humidity in summer, fog in fall, frost in winter.",
    100: "Hail in spring, humidity in summer, fog in fall, frost in winter.",

tableNpcReactions = {
    0: "Npc Reaction",
    1: "Kill the PCs.",
    2: "Kill the PCs.",
    3: "Kill the PCs.",
    4: "Injure or capture the PCs.",
    5: "Injure or capture the PCs.",
    6: "Injure or capture the PCs.",
    7: "Injure or capture the PCs.",
    8: "Injure or capture the PCs.",
    9: "Injure or capture the PCs.",
    10: "Harass or rob the PCs.",
    11: "Harass or rob the PCs.",
    12: "Harass or rob the PCs.",
    13: "Harass or rob the PCs.",
    14: "Harass or rob the PCs.",
    15: "Harass or rob the PCs.",
    16: "Harass or rob the PCs.",
    17: "Harass or rob the PCs.",
    18: "Insult, threaten, or command the PCs.",
    19: "Insult, threaten, or command the PCs.",
    20: "Insult, threaten, or command the PCs.",
    21: "Insult, threaten, or command the PCs.",
    22: "Insult, threaten, or command the PCs.",
    23: "Insult, threaten, or command the PCs.",
    24: "Insult, threaten, or command the PCs.",
    25: "Insult, threaten, or command the PCs.",
    26: "Insult, threaten, or command the PCs.",
    27: "Insult, threaten, or command the PCs.",
    28: "Insult, threaten, or command the PCs.",
    29: "Avoid the PCs.",
    30: "Avoid the PCs.",
    31: "Avoid the PCs.",
    32: "Avoid the PCs.",
    33: "Avoid the PCs.",
    34: "Avoid the PCs.",
    35: "Avoid the PCs.",
    36: "Avoid the PCs.",
    37: "Avoid the PCs.",
    38: "Avoid the PCs.",
    39: "Avoid the PCs.",
    40: "Avoid the PCs.",
    41: "Avoid the PCs.",
    42: "Avoid the PCs.",
    43: "Ignore the PCs.",
    44: "Ignore the PCs.",
    45: "Ignore the PCs.",
    46: "Ignore the PCs.",
    47: "Ignore the PCs.",
    48: "Ignore the PCs.",
    49: "Ignore the PCs.",
    50: "Ignore the PCs.",
    51: "Ignore the PCs.",
    52: "Ignore the PCs.",
    53: "Ignore the PCs.",
    54: "Ignore the PCs.",
    55: "Ignore the PCs.",
    56: "Ignore the PCs.",
    57: "Ignore the PCs.",
    58: "Ignore the PCs.",
    59: "Follow or observe the PCs.",
    60: "Follow or observe the PCs.",
    61: "Follow or observe the PCs.",
    62: "Follow or observe the PCs.",
    63: "Follow or observe the PCs.",
    64: "Follow or observe the PCs.",
    65: "Follow or observe the PCs.",
    66: "Follow or observe the PCs.",
    67: "Follow or observe the PCs.",
    68: "Follow or observe the PCs.",
    69: "Follow or observe the PCs.",
    70: "Follow or observe the PCs.",
    71: "Follow or observe the PCs.",
    72: "Follow or observe the PCs.",
    73: "Greet or question the PCs.",
    74: "Greet or question the PCs.",
    75: "Greet or question the PCs.",
    76: "Greet or question the PCs.",
    77: "Greet or question the PCs.",
    78: "Greet or question the PCs.",
    79: "Greet or question the PCs.",
    80: "Greet or question the PCs.",
    81: "Greet or question the PCs.",
    82: "Greet or question the PCs.",
    83: "Greet or question the PCs.",
    84: "Share information with the PCs.",
    85: "Share information with the PCs.",
    86: "Share information with the PCs.",
    87: "Share information with the PCs.",
    88: "Share information with the PCs.",
    89: "Share information with the PCs.",
    90: "Share information with the PCs.",
    91: "Share information with the PCs.",
    93: "Perform minor favors for the PCs.",
    93: "Perform minor favors for the PCs.",
    94: "Perform minor favors for the PCs.",
    95: "Perform minor favors for the PCs.",
    96: "Perform minor favors for the PCs.",
    97: "Perform minor favors for the PCs.",
    98: "Ask to join the PCs’ party.",
    99: "Ask to join the PCs’ party.",
    100: "Ask to join the PCs’ party."

tableCarousing = {
    0: "Carousing Mishaps",
    1: "You made a public fool of yourself.",
    2: "Take " + str(random.randint(1, 3)) + " direct damage from a fight.",
    3: "Pay " + str(random.randint(1, 100)) + "c due to fines.",
    4: "You are engaged to be married.",
    5: "Lose " + str(random.randint(1, 1000)) + "c from gambling.",
    6: "Groupies follow you everywhere.",
    7: "You’ve made an enemy.",
    8: "You have an ugly, prominent tattoo.",
    9: "Hangover: take -5 on all tests today.",
    10: "You joined a local faction(tableFactions).",
    11: "Robbed: Lose all remaining coin.",
    12: "You wake up in prison.",
    13: "The building is on fire!",
    14: "You’re expected to complete a mission(tableMissions) due "
        + "to your boasts.",
    15: "A duel is scheduled for the next dawn.",
    16: "You signed a shady contract.",
    17: "A stranger’s corpse is on the floor.",
    18: "A faction(tableFactions) hates you.",
    19: "All your belongings have been stolen.",
    20: "You meet a new companion who wants to join your party.",

tableCareers = {
        0: "Careers",
        1: "Acolyte",
        2: "Acrobat",
        3: "Actor",
        4: "Alchemist",
        5: "Antiquarian",
        6: "Arcanist",
        7: "Architect",
        8: "Assassin",
        9: "Astrologer",
        10: "Baker",
        11: "Bandit",
        12: "Barber",
        13: "Beast tamer",
        14: "Beekeeper",
        15: "Blacksmith",
        16: "Boatman",
        17: "Bookbinder",
        18: "Brewer",
        19: "Burglar",
        20: "Butcher",
        21: "Candlemaker",
        22: "Carpenter",
        23: "Charlatan",
        24: "Cobbler",
        25: "Coachman",
        26: "Cook",
        27: "Courier",
        28: "Courtier",
        29: "Cultist",
        30: "Cutpurse",
        31: "Dyer",
        32: "Explorer",
        33: "Falconer",
        34: "Fence",
        35: "Fisherman",
        36: "Folklorist",
        37: "Gambler",
        38: "Gamekeeper",
        39: "Gardener",
        40: "Grave robber",
        41: "Gravedigger",
        42: "Groom",
        43: "Guard",
        44: "Headsman",
        45: "Herbalist",
        46: "Hermit",
        47: "Hunter",
        48: "Innkeeper",
        49: "Inquisitor",
        50: "Investigator",
        51: "Jailer",
        52: "Jester",
        53: "Jeweler",
        54: "Knight",
        55: "Kidnapper",
        56: "Lawyer",
        57: "Locksmith",
        58: "Mason",
        59: "Merchant",
        60: "Miner",
        61: "Musician",
        62: "Naturalist",
        63: "Officer",
        64: "Oracle",
        65: "Orator",
        66: "Painter",
        67: "Peddler",
        68: "Philosopher",
        69: "Physician",
        70: "Pilgrim",
        71: "Pirate",
        72: "Pit fighter",
        73: "Playwright",
        74: "Poacher",
        75: "Poet",
        76: "Priest",
        77: "Prospector",
        78: "Puppeteer",
        79: "Rat catcher",
        80: "Saboteur",
        81: "Sailor",
        82: "Scout",
        83: "Scribe",
        84: "Sculptor",
        85: "Servant",
        86: "Shepherd",
        87: "Shipwright",
        88: "Singer",
        89: "Smuggler",
        90: "Soldier",
        91: "Spy",
        92: "Squire",
        93: "Tailor",
        94: "Tattooist",
        95: "Thieftaker",
        96: "Thug",
        97: "Torturer",
        98: "Trapper",
        99: "Watchman",
        100: "Woodcutter"

tableStartingItems = {
        0: "Starting Items",
        1: "candlestick, censer, incense",
        2: "flash powder, balls, lamp oil",
        3: "wig, makeup, costume",
        4: "acid, mortar/pestle, 6 vials",
        5: "old coin, flag, lore book",
        6: "spell book, arcane robes, chalk",
        7: "plumb line, level, ruler",
        8: "crossbow, garrote, soft boots",
        9: "star charts, almanac, telescope",
        10: "rolling pin, flour bag, lard block",
        11: "mask, manacles, caltrops",
        12: "scissors, hair oil, straight razor",
        13: "whip, gloves, leash",
        14: "honey, mask, smoke bomb",
        15: "hammer, bellows, tongs",
        16: "10’ pole, instrument, paddle",
        17: "sewing kit, glue, quill/ink",
        18: "mash paddle, beer keg, hops",
        19: "lockpicks, grappling hook, rope",
        20: "cleaver, meat hook, bacon",
        21: "10 candles, lamp oil, wax",
        22: "hammer, saw, box of nails",
        23: "costume, fake elixir, degree",
        24: "leather roll, fancy shoes, tacks",
        25: "whip, lockbox, oilskin coat",
        26: "frying pan, salt, olive oil",
        27: "oilskin bag, local map, lantern",
        28: "perfume, wig, fan",
        29: "dagger, ritual robes, amulet",
        30: "knife, caltrops, sack",
        31: "10’ pole, dyes, soap",
        32: "sextant, spyglass, crampons",
        33: "bird cage, gloves, whistle",
        34: "short sword, file, sealing wax",
        35: "spear, net, fishing tackle",
        36: "prophecy, bones, scales",
        37: "rapier, card deck, dice",
        38: "sling, horn, rope ladder",
        39: "sickle, shovel, shears",
        40: "saw, crowbar, pulleys",
        41: "shovel, pickaxe, bucket",
        42: "oats, horse brush, blanket",
        43: "halberd, livery, horn",
        44: "axe, hood, garrote",
        45: "herbs, sickle, herb manual",
        46: "staff, fungi, basket",
        47: "tent, bearskin, bear trap",
        48: "ladle, 10 candles, cauldron",
        49: "manual, vestments, pliers",
        50: "journal, manacles, vial",
        51: "padlock, 10’ chain, wine jug",
        52: "scepter, donkey head, motley",
        53: "pliers, loupe, tweezers",
        54: "lady’s favor, banner, signet ring",
        55: "chloroform, manacles, hood",
        56: "fancy robe, law book, certificate",
        57: "crowbar, picks, padlock",
        58: "chisel, hammer, chalk",
        59: "scales, strongbox, bag of spice",
        60: "pickaxe, lantern, pet canary",
        61: "3 instruments",
        62: "fossil, insect case, geode",
        63: "shoe polish, medal, spyglass",
        64: "tea leaves, tarot deck, crystal",
        65: "100 marbles, bullhorn, wax tablet",
        66: "linseed oil, pigments, brushes",
        67: "bucket, 300’ twine, mirror",
        68: "staff, lantern, chalk",
        69: "saw, scalpel, wine jug",
        70: "staff, relic, letter of passage",
        71: "sextant, cannonball, grappling hook",
        72: "net, whip, wine jug",
        73: "quill/ink, skull, 10 candles",
        74: "animal scent, bow, 20 arrows",
        75: "stationery, bell, perfume",
        76: "holy water, 10 stakes, prayer book",
        77: "10 iron spikes, pickaxe, pan",
        78: "confetti, puppet, sewing kit",
        79: "cage, 10 rat traps, sack",
        80: "air bladder, crowbar, bomb",
        81: "beeswax, pullies, spyglass",
        82: "signal flags, black grease, dice",
        83: "lamp oil, quill/ink, sealing wax",
        84: "chisel, clay, calipers",
        85: "sponge, silverware, poker",
        86: "crook, instrument, sling",
        87: "drill, hammer, axe",
        88: "mirror, makeup, locket",
        89: "pulleys, rope, makeup",
        90: "tent, card deck, shovel",
        91: "caltrops, poison, forged papers",
        92: "torch, armor polish, trumpet",
        93: "sewing kit, scissors, soap",
        94: "soot pot, needles, 10 candles",
        95: "bear trap, manacles, torch",
        96: "poison, knife, lamp oil",
        97: "drill, hourglass, 10’ chain",
        98: "bear trap, 300’ twine, bear pelt",
        99: "lantern, trumpet, spear",
        100: "axe, firewood, 50’ rope"

tableTravelShifts = {
        0: "Travel Shifts",
        1: "Acid rain",
        2: "Animal migration",
        3: "Anvil cloud",
        4: "Ash cloud",
        5: "Ash rain",
        6: "Aurora",
        7: "Avalanche",
        8: "Ball lightning",
        9: "Bird migration",
        10: "Black blizzard",
        11: "Blizzard",
        12: "Blood moon",
        13: "Brush fire",
        # Random CityEvent
        14: "tableCityEvents",
        15: "Cloudburst",
        16: "Cold wave",
        17: "Cold weather",
        # Random Color
        18: "tableColors sky",
        # Random Delusion
        19: "tableDelusions",
        20: "Dense fog",
        # Random Disaster
        21: "tableDisasters",
        22: "Downburst",
        23: "Drizzle",
        24: "Dust devil",
        25: "Dust storm",
        26: "Earthquake",
        # Random Effect
        27: "tableEffects rain",
        28: "Electric storms",
        # Random Element
        29: "tableElements rain",
        30: "Fire whirls",
        31: "Fireflies",
        32: "Firestorms",
        33: "Flash flood",
        34: "Flooding",
        35: "Fluffy clouds",
        36: "Fog",
        # Random Food
        37: "tableFoods rain",
        38: "Forest fire",
        39: "Freezing fog",
        40: "Freezing rain",
        41: "Grass fire",
        42: "Haboob",
        43: "Hail",
        44: "Hailstorm",
        45: "Haze",
        46: "Heat lightning",
        47: "Heatwave",
        48: "Heavy rain",
        49: "Hot weather",
        50: "Hot winds",
        51: "Humidity",
        52: "Hurricane",
        53: "Ice storm",
        54: "Insect swarm",
        55: "Landslide",
        56: "Lava flow",
        57: "Light winds",
        58: "Lunar eclipse",
        59: "Meteor shower",
        60: "Mirage",
        61: "Mist",
        62: "Misty rain",
        63: "Monsoon",
        64: "Mudflow",
        65: "Murmuration",
        66: "Northern lights",
        67: "Overcast",
        68: "Planet alignment",
        69: "Pollen cloud",
        70: "Pyroclastic flow",
        71: "Rain of fish",
        72: "Rain of frogs",
        73: "Rain of worms",
        74: "Rainbow",
        75: "Salt storm",
        76: "Sandstorm",
        # Random Scent
        77: "tableScents",
        78: "Showers",
        79: "Smog",
        80: "Smoke",
        81: "Solar eclipse",
        # Random Sound
        82: "tableSounds",
        83: "Stampede",
        84: "Star jelly",
        85: "Steam devils",
        86: "Strong winds",
        87: "Sulfur clouds",
        88: "Swamp lights",
        # Random Taste
        89: "tableTastes rain",
        # Random Texture
        90: "tableTextures rain",
        91: "Thunderstorms",
        92: "Tornado",
        93: "Tremors",
        94: "Volcanic bombs",
        95: "Warm rain",
        96: "Warm winds",
        97: "Waterspouts",
        # Random Weapon
        98: "tableWeapons rain",
        99: "Windstorm",
        100: "Wispy clouds"
tableSigns = {
        0: "Signs",
        1: "Arguing",
        2: "Ash",
        3: "Bile",
        4: "Blade marks",
        5: "Blood",
        6: "Blood tracks",
        7: "Bone fragments",
        8: "Bones",
        9: "Boreholes",
        10: "Bowers",
        11: "Broken branches",
        # Random Hazard
        12: "tableHazards",
        13: "Burrow",
        14: "Carcass",
        15: "Chewed plants",
        16: "Claw marks",
        # Random Clothing
        17: "tableClothing",
        18: "Cocoons",
        19: "Crushed grass",
        20: "Dams",
        21: "Diagrams",
        22: "Digging sounds",
        23: "Droppings",
        24: "Droppings scent",
        25: "Eggs",
        26: "Eggshells",
        # Random Element
        27: "tableElements trail",
        # Random Fabric
        28: "tableFabrics scrap",
        29: "Fallen trees",
        30: "Feathers",
        31: "Fighting sounds",
        32: "Fire pit",
        33: "Flags",
        34: "Fleeing prey",
        35: "Food cache",
        36: "Food scent",
        # Random Food
        37: "tableFoods scraps",
        38: "Footprints",
        39: "Fruit pits",
        40: "Fur",
        41: "Graffiti",
        42: "Graves",
        43: "Hives",
        44: "Hunters",
        45: "Injured prey",
        46: "Lair",
        47: "Lair scent",
        48: "Letters",
        49: "Mating ground",
        # Random Mechanism
        50: "tableMechanisms",
        51: "Middens",
        # Random MiscItem
        52: "tableMiscItems",
        53: "Molted husk",
        54: "Mounds",
        55: "Mucus",
        56: "Mud tracks",
        57: "Musk",
        58: "Nest",
        59: "Nesting sounds",
        60: "Offspring",
        # Random Organ
        61: "tableOrgans",
        62: "Pellets",
        63: "Pheromones",
        64: "Polished surface",
        65: "Pollen",
        66: "Ritual remnants",
        67: "Saliva",
        68: "Scales",
        # Random Scent
        69: "tableScents",
        70: "Scorch marks",
        71: "Shadows",
        72: "Shed skin",
        73: "Shells",
        74: "Signaling sounds",
        75: "Singing",
        76: "Slime trails",
        # Random Sound
        77: "tableSounds",
        78: "Stalking sounds",
        79: "Stripped bark",
        # Random Symbol
        80: "tableSymbols",
        81: "Teeth marks",
        # Random Texture
        82: "tableTextures trail",
        # Random Tool
        83: "tableTools",
        84: "Trails",
        85: "Traps",
        86: "Trash",
        87: "Tree scratches",
        88: "Tunnels",
        89: "Urine",
        90: "Urine scent",
        91: "Voices",
        92: "Wallows",
        93: "Warning scent",
        94: "Warning sounds",
        95: "Warnings",
        96: "Wax",
        # Random Weapon
        97: "tableWeapons",
        98: "Webs",
        99: "Wings",
        100: "Worshipers"

tableLocations = {
        0: "Locations",
        1: "Ashland",
        2: "Badland",
        3: "Bamboo forest",
        4: "Basalt columns",
        5: "Bay",
        6: "Beach",
        7: "Bluff",
        8: "Bog",
        9: "Boulder field",
        10: "Brook",
        11: "Butte",
        12: "Caldera",
        13: "Canyon",
        14: "Cave",
        15: "Cliff",
        16: "Cloud forest",
        17: "Coniferous forest",
        18: "Copse",
        19: "Crag",
        20: "Crater",
        21: "Creek",
        22: "Crossing",
        23: "Crystals",
        24: "Deciduous forest",
        25: "Delta",
        26: "Dunes",
        27: "Dust bowl",
        # Random Element
        28: "tableElements field",
        29: "Fen",
        30: "Fjord",
        31: "Floodplain",
        32: "Gas vent",
        33: "Geyser",
        34: "Glacier",
        35: "Gorge",
        36: "Grotto",
        37: "Grove",
        38: "Gulch",
        39: "Heath",
        40: "Highland",
        41: "Hollow",
        42: "Hoodoo",
        43: "Hot spring",
        44: "Ice sheet",
        45: "Jungle",
        46: "Knoll",
        47: "Lagoon",
        48: "Lair",
        49: "Lake",
        50: "Lakebed",
        51: "Lava field",
        52: "Lava tube",
        53: "Loch",
        54: "Mangrove swamp",
        55: "Marsh",
        56: "Meadow",
        57: "Mesa",
        58: "Mire",
        59: "Moor",
        60: "Mountain",
        61: "Mud plain",
        62: "Oasis",
        63: "Oil seep",
        64: "Pass",
        65: "Pasture",
        66: "Petrified forest",
        67: "Pit",
        68: "Plateau",
        69: "Pond",
        70: "Prairie",
        71: "Quicksand",
        72: "Rainforest",
        73: "Rapids",
        74: "Ravine",
        75: "Ridge",
        76: "River",
        77: "Riverland",
        78: "Rockslide",
        79: "Salt flat",
        80: "Salt marsh",
        81: "Savanna",
        82: "Scree slope",
        83: "Scrubland",
        84: "Sinkhole",
        85: "Spring",
        86: "Steppe",
        87: "Stream",
        88: "Sulfur spring",
        89: "Swamp",
        90: "Taiga",
        91: "Tar pit",
        92: "Thicket",
        93: "Tundra",
        94: "Valley",
        95: "Volcanic plain",
        96: "Volcano",
        97: "Wasteland",
        98: "Waterfall",
        99: "Wetlands",
        100: "Whirlpool"

tableStructures = {
        0: "Structures",
        1: "Abbey",
        2: "Altar",
        3: "Amphitheater",
        4: "Aqueduct",
        5: "Archive",
        6: "Asylum",
        7: "Bandit camp",
        8: "Barn",
        9: "Battlefield",
        10: "Bell tower",
        11: "Bonfire",
        12: "Bower",
        13: "Brazier",
        # Random Building
        14: "tableBuildings",
        15: "Cairn",
        16: "Cart track",
        17: "Castle",
        18: "Catacomb",
        19: "Chapel",
        20: "City",
        21: "Cistern",
        22: "Convent",
        23: "Crossroads",
        24: "Dam",
        25: "Dirt road",
        26: "Dolmen",
        # Random Dungeon
        27: "tableDungeons",
        28: "Farm",
        29: "Ferry",
        30: "Festival",
        31: "Fishing hut",
        32: "Ford",
        33: "Forester lodge",
        34: "Fort",
        35: "Gallows",
        36: "Garden",
        37: "Garrison",
        38: "Gate",
        39: "Gibbet",
        40: "Graveyard",
        41: "Hamlet",
        42: "Henge",
        43: "Hermitage",
        44: "Hideout",
        45: "Highway",
        46: "Hunter’s camp",
        47: "Hunting lodge",
        # Random Inn
        48: "tableInnNameOnetableInnNameTwo",
        49: "Keep",
        50: "Library",
        51: "Lighthouse",
        52: "Logging camp",
        53: "Manor",
        54: "Market",
        55: "Memorial",
        56: "Mill",
        57: "Mine",
        58: "Monastery",
        59: "Monolith",
        60: "Monument",
        61: "Mule track",
        62: "Obelisk",
        63: "Orchard",
        64: "Outpost",
        65: "Paved road",
        66: "Pen",
        67: "Pilgrim camp",
        68: "Pillar",
        69: "Port",
        70: "Prison",
        71: "Pyramid",
        72: "Refugee camp",
        73: "Road",
        # Random Room
        74: "tableRooms",
        75: "Ruin",
        76: "Shepherd hut",
        77: "Shrine",
        78: "Signal tower",
        79: "Stable",
        80: "Statue",
        81: "Stone bridge",
        82: "Stone circle",
        83: "Surveyor camp",
        84: "Tavern",
        85: "Temple",
        86: "Toll house",
        87: "Tomb",
        88: "Tower",
        89: "Town",
        90: "Trader camp",
        91: "Trail",
        # Random Trap
        92: "Trap: tableTrapEffects, tableHazards, "
            + "tableMechanisms",
        93: "Village",
        94: "Wall",
        95: "Watchtower",
        96: "Watermill",
        97: "Well",
        98: "Windmill",
        99: "Wizard tower",
        100: "Wooden bridge"

tablePlaceTraits = {
        0: "Place Traits",
        1: "Ashen",
        2: "Bewitching",
        3: "Black",
        4: "Blessed",
        5: "Blighted",
        6: "Bloody",
        7: "Boiling",
        8: "Bright",
        9: "Broken",
        10: "Buried",
        11: "Burning",
        12: "Charred",
        13: "Collapsed",
        # Random Color
        14: "tableColors",
        15: "Crawling",
        16: "Crimson",
        17: "Crumbling",
        18: "Crystalline",
        19: "Cursed",
        20: "Dark",
        21: "Dead",
        22: "Desolate",
        23: "Disorienting",
        24: "Divine",
        25: "Doomed",
        26: "Echoing",
        27: "Eerie",
        # Random Effect
        28: "tableEffects",
        29: "Elder",
        30: "Eldritch",
        # Random Element
        31: "tableElements",
        32: "Endless",
        33: "Filthy",
        34: "Flooded",
        35: "Forbidden",
        36: "Forgotten",
        37: "Frozen",
        38: "Ghostly",
        39: "Glittering",
        40: "Gloomy",
        41: "Grim",
        42: "Haunted",
        43: "Hidden",
        44: "Holy",
        45: "Humid",
        46: "Infernal",
        47: "Infested",
        48: "Jagged",
        49: "Labyrinthine",
        50: "Living",
        51: "Loathsome",
        52: "Mechanical",
        53: "Misty",
        54: "Murmuring",
        55: "Mysterious",
        56: "Oozing",
        57: "Overgrown",
        58: "Perilous",
        59: "Petrified",
        60: "Phantasmal",
        61: "Phasing",
        62: "Pristine",
        # Random Quality
        63: "tableQualities",
        64: "Ravaged",
        65: "Ravenous",
        66: "Restless",
        67: "Revered",
        # Random RoomTheme
        68: "tableRoomThemes",
        69: "Savage",
        70: "Scorching",
        71: "Screaming",
        72: "Shadowy",
        73: "Shifting",
        74: "Shivering",
        75: "Shrouded",
        76: "Silent",
        77: "Singing",
        78: "Sinister",
        79: "Sinking",
        80: "Sleeping",
        # Random Sound
        81: "tableSounds",
        82: "Stony",
        83: "Sunken",
        84: "Swamped",
        85: "Swarming",
        86: "Sweltering",
        87: "Terrifying",
        # Random Texture
        88: "tableTextures",
        89: "Thorny",
        90: "Thundering",
        91: "Twisting",
        92: "Unquiet",
        93: "Vandalized",
        94: "Vast",
        95: "Watching",
        96: "Whispering",
        97: "Windy",
        98: "Withered",
        99: "Wondrous",
        100: "Writhing"

tableDelveShifts = {
        0: "Delve Shifts",
        1: "Alarm",
        2: "Animal sounds",
        3: "Apparition",
        4: "Awakening",
        5: "Battle",
        6: "Blessing",
        7: "Blood scent",
        8: "Ceilings moves",
        9: "Ceremony",
        # Random CityEvent
        10: "tableCityEvents",
        11: "Cleaning",
        12: "Cloud of flies",
        13: "Combat sounds",
        14: "Construction",
        15: "Crystal growth",
        16: "Curse",
        17: "Dead rise",
        18: "Decay scent",
        19: "Decreased patrols",
        # Random Delusion
        20: "tableDelusions",
        21: "Device activates",
        # Random Disaster
        22: "tableDisasters",
        23: "Doors close",
        24: "Doors open",
        25: "Draining",
        26: "Dungeon rotates",
        27: "Dungeon slides",
        28: "Dungeon tilts",
        29: "Dust cloud",
        30: "Earthquake",
        # Random Element
        31: "tableElements flow",
        32: "Eruption",
        33: "Excavation",
        34: "Faction alliance",
        35: "Faction truce",
        36: "Faction war",
        37: "Feast",
        38: "Fire",
        39: "Flammable gas",
        40: "Flooding",
        41: "Floors move",
        42: "Fog",
        43: "Food scent",
        44: "Foraging",
        45: "Freezing",
        46: "Gravel flow",
        47: "Hatching",
        48: "Hot",
        49: "Humid",
        50: "Hunt",
        51: "Incense",
        52: "Increased patrols",
        53: "Invasion",
        54: "Lava flow",
        55: "Leak",
        56: "Liquid sounds",
        57: "Machine sounds",
        58: "Manure scent",
        59: "Monster scent",
        60: "Monster sounds",
        61: "Mud flow",
        62: "Music",
        63: "Nesting",
        64: "New faction",
        65: "New monster",
        66: "New rooms",
        67: "Oil flow",
        68: "Passages close",
        69: "Passages open",
        70: "Plague",
        71: "Planar overlay",
        72: "Plants bloom",
        73: "Plants grow",
        74: "Plants wither",
        75: "Repairs",
        76: "Rift opens",
        77: "Room revolves",
        78: "Room slides",
        79: "Room tilts",
        80: "Rooms filled in",
        81: "Rooms rearrange",
        82: "Sand flow",
        # Random Scent
        83: "tableScents",
        84: "Singing",
        85: "Sleep",
        86: "Smoke",
        # Random Sound
        87: "tableSounds",
        88: "Static charge",
        89: "Summoning",
        90: "Total silence",
        # Random TrapEffect
        91: "tableTrapEffects",
        92: "Traps rearm",
        93: "Vermin swarm",
        94: "Voices",
        95: "Walls close in",
        96: "Walls move",
        97: "Walls widen",
        98: "Water flow",
        99: "Wind",
        100: "Worship"
tableRooms = {
        0: "Rooms",
        1: "Alchemy room",
        2: "Alcohol cellar",
        3: "Arboretum",
        4: "Archery range",
        5: "Arena",
        6: "Armory",
        7: "Arsenal",
        8: "Art gallery",
        9: "Art studio",
        10: "Audience hall",
        11: "Aviary",
        12: "Ballroom",
        13: "Banquet hall",
        14: "Barracks",
        15: "Baths",
        16: "Bed chamber",
        17: "Brewery",
        # Random Building
        18: "tableBuildings",
        19: "Catacombs",
        20: "Cave",
        21: "Cell",
        22: "Chapel",
        23: "Chasm",
        24: "Church",
        25: "Cistern",
        26: "Cloakroom",
        27: "Concert hall",
        28: "Conjuring room",
        29: "Courtroom",
        30: "Courtyard",
        31: "Crematorium",
        32: "Crypt",
        33: "Dining room",
        34: "Divination room",
        35: "Dormitory",
        # Random Dungeon
        36: "tableDungeons",
        37: "Dressing room",
        38: "Embalming room",
        39: "Fighting pit",
        40: "Fissure",
        41: "Forge",
        42: "Fountain room",
        43: "Gallery",
        44: "Game room",
        45: "Garden",
        46: "Gatehouse",
        47: "Great hall",
        48: "Guardroom",
        49: "Hall",
        50: "Infirmary",
        51: "Junk room",
        52: "Kennel",
        53: "Kitchen",
        54: "Laboratory",
        55: "Lair",
        56: "Larder",
        57: "Latrine",
        58: "Library",
        59: "Lounge",
        60: "Map room",
        61: "Maze",
        # Random Mechanism
        62: "tableMechanisms",
        63: "Meditation room",
        64: "Menagerie",
        65: "Mess hall",
        66: "Mews",
        67: "Museum",
        68: "Music room",
        69: "Nursery",
        70: "Observatory",
        71: "Pantry",
        72: "Parlor",
        73: "Pit",
        74: "Poison room",
        75: "Pool",
        76: "Prison",
        77: "Record room",
        # Random Location
        78: "tableLocations",
        79: "Salon",
        80: "Scriptorium",
        81: "Scullery",
        82: "Sculpture gallery",
        83: "Shop",
        84: "Shrine",
        85: "Slaughterhouse",
        86: "Smoking room",
        87: "Stables",
        88: "Storeroom",
        # Random Structure
        89: "tableStructures",
        90: "Study",
        91: "Tapestry room",
        92: "Theater",
        93: "Throne room",
        94: "Torture room",
        95: "Training hall",
        96: "Treasury",
        97: "Trophy room",
        98: "Vault",
        99: "Work pit",
        100: "Workshop"
tableRoomDetails = {
        0: "Room Details",
        1: "Alcohol",
        2: "Alcove",
        3: "Altar",
        # Random Archetype
        4: "tableArchetypes",
        5: "Balcony",
        6: "Bars",
        7: "Bas",
        8: "Bath",
        9: "Bed",
        10: "Bones",
        # Random Book
        11: "tableBooks",
        12: "Brazier",
        13: "Broken glass",
        14: "Cabinet",
        15: "Cage",
        16: "Carpet",
        17: "Carvings",
        18: "Cauldron",
        19: "Chains",
        20: "Chalk marks",
        21: "Chandelier",
        22: "Chest",
        # Random Clothing
        23: "tableClothing",
        24: "Coffin",
        25: "Coins",
        26: "Collapsed ceiling",
        27: "Collapsed floor",
        28: "Collapsed walls",
        29: "Crawlspace",
        30: "Crumbling ceiling",
        31: "Crumbling floors",
        32: "Crumbling walls",
        33: "Curtain",
        34: "Dais",
        35: "Dishes",
        36: "Display case",
        37: "Dumbwaiter",
        38: "Elevator",
        # Random Fabric
        39: "tableFabrics",
        40: "Fireplace",
        41: "Flowing water",
        # Random Food
        42: "tableFoods",
        43: "Fountain",
        44: "Fungi",
        45: "Graffiti",
        # Random Hazard
        46: "tableHazards",
        47: "Incense",
        # Random Ingredient
        48: "tableIngredients",
        49: "Instrument",
        50: "Lantern",
        51: "Map",
        # Random Material
        52: "tableMaterials",
        # Random Mechanism
        53: "tableMechanisms",
        54: "Message",
        55: "Mine cart",
        56: "Mirror-relief",
        # Random MiscItem
        57: "tableMiscItems",
        # Random Monster
        58: "tableMonsters",
        59: "Mural",
        60: "Nest",
        61: "Painting",
        62: "Pews",
        63: "Pillar",
        64: "Pipes",
        65: "Pool",
        66: "Portcullis",
        # Random Potion
        67: "tablePotions",
        68: "Refuse pile",
        69: "Repairs",
        70: "Roots",
        71: "Rubble",
        # Random Scent
        72: "tableScents",
        73: "Shaft",
        74: "Shelf",
        # Random Sign
        75: "tableSigns",
        76: "Skeletons",
        77: "Smoke",
        78: "Sofa",
        # Random Sound
        79: "tableSounds",
        80: "Spyhole",
        81: "Stairs",
        82: "Stalactites",
        83: "Statues",
        84: "Stove",
        # Random StreetDetail
        85: "tableStreetDetails",
        # Random Symbol
        86: "tableSymbols",
        87: "table",
        88: "Tapestry",
        89: "Thick dust",
        90: "Throne",
        91: "Toilet",
        # Random Tool
        92: "tableTools",
        93: "Torch",
        94: "Torture device",
        95: "Training dummy",
        96: "Trap door",
        # Random Treasure
        97: "tableTreasures",
        98: "Vines",
        99: "Wardrobe",
        # Random Weapon
        100: "tableWeapons"
tableRoomThemes = {
        0: "Room Themes",
        # Random Activity
        1: "tableActivities",
        2: "Blessings",
        3: "Blindness",
        4: "Blood",
        5: "Bones",
        # Random Book
        6: "tableBooks",
        7: "Brains",
        8: "Chaos",
        # Random CityTheme
        9: "tableCityThemes",
        10: "Collapse",
        11: "Combat",
        12: "Corpses",
        13: "Corruption",
        14: "Creation",
        15: "Criminal activity",
        16: "Crows",
        17: "Cults",
        18: "Curses",
        19: "Death",
        20: "Decay",
        21: "Disease",
        22: "Divination",
        # Random Domain
        23: "tableDomains",
        24: "Dragons",
        25: "Drowning",
        26: "Eyes",
        # Random Effect
        27: "tableEffects",
        # Random Element
        28: "tableElements",
        29: "Faces",
        30: "Feasting",
        31: "Fog",
        32: "Gateways",
        33: "Ghosts",
        34: "Gods",
        35: "Hands",
        36: "Holy war",
        37: "Hunger",
        38: "Hunting",
        39: "Imprisonment",
        40: "Invasion",
        41: "Invention",
        42: "Inversion",
        # Random ItemTrait
        43: "tableItemTraits",
        44: "Judgment",
        45: "Light",
        46: "Locks",
        47: "Madness",
        # Random MagicSchool
        48: "tableMagicSchools",
        49: "Memory",
        50: "Mirrors",
        51: "Mouths",
        52: "Music",
        53: "Mutation",
        54: "Outsiders",
        55: "Pageantry",
        56: "Paranoia",
        # Random PlaceTrait
        57: "tablePlaceTraits",
        58: "Poison",
        59: "Priests",
        60: "Prophecy",
        61: "Rats",
        62: "Refugees",
        63: "Restless dead",
        64: "Revenge",
        65: "Riches",
        66: "Rituals",
        67: "Rival factions",
        68: "Sacrifice",
        69: "Savage fury",
        70: "Secret knowledge",
        71: "Serpents",
        72: "Shadows",
        73: "Skulls",
        74: "Slavery",
        75: "Slime",
        76: "Smoke",
        77: "Songs",
        78: "Souls",
        79: "Spiders",
        80: "Stasis",
        81: "Statues",
        82: "Summoning",
        83: "Survival",
        84: "Teeth",
        85: "Tentacles",
        86: "Tests and trials",
        87: "The moon",
        88: "The stars",
        89: "The sun",
        90: "Thorns",
        91: "Trickery",
        92: "Tyranny",
        93: "Vampires",
        94: "Water",
        95: "Wild growth",
        96: "Wine",
        97: "Winter",
        98: "Wolves",
        99: "Worms",
        100: "Zealotry"
tableDungeons = {
        0: "Dungeons",
        1: "Alchemy lab",
        2: "Animal burrow",
        3: "Aquarium",
        4: "Arboretum",
        5: "Archive",
        6: "Arena",
        7: "Armory",
        8: "Art gallery",
        9: "Asylum",
        10: "Automaton",
        11: "Aviary",
        12: "Bank",
        13: "Bathhouse",
        # Random Building
        14: "tableBuildings",
        15: "Bunker",
        16: "Casino",
        17: "Castle",
        18: "Catacombs",
        19: "Cathedral",
        20: "Cave system",
        21: "Cistern",
        22: "City",
        23: "Clock",
        24: "Corpse",
        25: "Court",
        26: "Criminal den",
        27: "Curiosity cabinet",
        28: "Dam",
        29: "Deathtrap",
        30: "Depot",
        31: "Dig site",
        32: "Dormitory",
        33: "Faction hideout",
        34: "Factory",
        35: "Fashion gallery",
        36: "Feasting hall",
        37: "Forge",
        38: "Garbage pit",
        39: "Gateway",
        40: "Guildhall",
        41: "Historical gallery",
        42: "Hospital",
        43: "Hotel",
        44: "Ice caves",
        45: "Insect hive",
        46: "Instrument",
        47: "Kennel",
        48: "Kitchen",
        49: "Labyrinth",
        50: "Larder",
        51: "Lava tubes",
        52: "Library",
        53: "Living dungeon",
        54: "Lock",
        55: "Mansion",
        56: "Marketplace",
        57: "Mausoleum",
        58: "Memorial",
        59: "Menagerie",
        60: "Mill",
        61: "Mine",
        62: "Monastery",
        63: "Monster gallery",
        64: "Monster lab",
        65: "Monster lair",
        66: "Museum",
        67: "Mushroom forest",
        68: "Nest",
        69: "Nursery",
        70: "Observatory",
        71: "Orrery",
        72: "Palace",
        73: "Prison",
        74: "Race track",
        # Random Room
        75: "tableRooms",
        76: "Sanctum",
        77: "Sculpture gallery",
        78: "Sewer",
        79: "Ship",
        80: "Silo",
        81: "Slaughterhouse",
        82: "Stable",
        83: "Stronghold",
        # Random Structure
        84: "tableStructures",
        85: "Summoning site",
        86: "Temple",
        87: "Testing ground",
        88: "Theater",
        89: "Theme park",
        90: "Tomb",
        91: "Tower",
        92: "Training complex",
        93: "Treasure vault",
        94: "Tree",
        95: "Warehouse",
        96: "Warren",
        97: "Waterworks",
        98: "Weapon gallery",
        99: "Wine cellar",
        100: "Work pit"
tableTrapEffects = {
        0: "Trap Effects",
        1: "Absorbing",
        2: "Accelerating",
        3: "Arranging",
        4: "Attracting",
        5: "Balancing",
        6: "Beating",
        7: "Bending",
        8: "Blocking",
        9: "Blowing",
        10: "Bludgeoning",
        11: "Boiling",
        12: "Burning",
        13: "Bursting",
        14: "Burying",
        15: "Catching",
        16: "Charging",
        17: "Choking",
        18: "Closing",
        19: "Compressing",
        20: "Contracting",
        21: "Counting down",
        22: "Crushing",
        23: "Deafening",
        24: "Delivering",
        # Random DelveShift
        25: "tableDelveShifts",
        26: "Desiccating",
        27: "Dividing",
        28: "Draining",
        29: "Dropping",
        # Random Effect
        30: "tableEffects",
        31: "Expanding",
        32: "Extending",
        33: "Filling",
        34: "Flapping",
        35: "Floating",
        36: "Focusing",
        37: "Freezing",
        38: "Grabbing",
        39: "Hardening",
        40: "Hooking",
        41: "Immobilizing",
        42: "Imprisoning",
        43: "Inflating",
        44: "Inserting",
        45: "Launching",
        46: "Lifting",
        47: "Locking",
        48: "Loosening",
        49: "Lowering",
        50: "Opening",
        51: "Oscillating",
        52: "Piercing",
        53: "Pinching",
        54: "Pointing",
        55: "Poking",
        56: "Pulling",
        57: "Pushing",
        58: "Reflecting",
        59: "Releasing",
        60: "Removing",
        61: "Repelling",
        62: "Rolling",
        63: "Scooping",
        64: "Scrambling",
        65: "Severing",
        66: "Shaking",
        67: "Shocking",
        68: "Shooting",
        69: "Shredding",
        70: "Sifting",
        71: "Sinking",
        72: "Slashing",
        73: "Sliding",
        74: "Slowing",
        75: "Smothering",
        76: "Soaking",
        77: "Softening",
        78: "Spinning",
        79: "Squeezing",
        80: "Staining",
        81: "Sticking",
        82: "Stretching",
        83: "Swinging",
        84: "Tangling",
        85: "Tearing",
        86: "Tightening",
        87: "Tilting",
        88: "Toppling",
        89: "Transporting",
        90: "Tripping",
        91: "Turning",
        92: "Twisting",
        93: "Unbalancing",
        94: "Unearthing",
        95: "Unlocking",
        96: "Weighing",
        97: "Whipping",
        98: "Winding",
        99: "Wobbling",
        100: "Wrapping"
tableHazards = {
        0: "Hazards",
        1: "Acceleration",
        2: "Acid",
        3: "Alarm",
        4: "Alcohol",
        # Random Animal
        5: "tableAnimals",
        6: "Arrow",
        7: "Automatons",
        8: "Avalanche",
        9: "Axe",
        10: "Bat",
        11: "Blinding light",
        12: "Boiling tar",
        13: "Boiling water",
        14: "Cold",
        15: "Crocodile",
        16: "Crude oil",
        17: "Darkness",
        18: "Deafening noise",
        # Random Delusion
        19: "tableDelusions",
        # Random DelveShift
        20: "tableDelveShifts",
        # Random Disaster
        21: "tableDisasters",
        22: "Disease",
        23: "Drill",
        24: "Dust",
        # Random Effect .
        25: "tableEffects",
        26: "Electricity",
        # Random Element
        27: "tableElements",
        28: "Fall",
        29: "Fear gas",
        30: "Fire",
        31: "Fire ant",
        32: "Force field",
        33: "Glass shard",
        34: "Glue",
        35: "Grease",
        36: "Guillotine",
        37: "Hammer",
        38: "Heat",
        39: "Heavy gas",
        40: "Hook",
        41: "Hot metal",
        42: "Hot wax",
        43: "Hydrogen",
        44: "Ice block",
        45: "Ink",
        46: "Lantern oil",
        47: "Lava",
        48: "Log",
        49: "Magnet",
        50: "Mercury",
        51: "Metal jaws",
        52: "Mold",
        53: "Molten gold",
        54: "Molten iron",
        # Random Monster
        55: "tableMonsters",
        56: "Mud",
        # Random Mutation
        57: "tableMutations",
        58: "Nail",
        59: "Needle",
        60: "Noose",
        61: "Ooze",
        62: "Phosphorus",
        63: "Piano wire",
        64: "Piranha",
        65: "Poison",
        66: "Poison gas",
        67: "Quicksand",
        68: "Radiation",
        69: "Rage gas",
        70: "Rat",
        71: "Sand",
        72: "Saw",
        73: "Scissor",
        74: "Sewage",
        75: "Shredder",
        76: "Sleeping gas",
        77: "Smoke",
        78: "Snake",
        79: "Spear",
        # Random Spell
        80: "tableSpells",
        81: "Spider",
        82: "Spike",
        83: "Spore",
        84: "Steam",
        85: "Stench",
        86: "Stone block",
        87: "Sulfur",
        88: "Sword",
        89: "Tar",
        90: "Thin air",
        91: "Thorns",
        # Random TravelShift
        92: "tableTravelShifts",
        93: "Vacuum",
        94: "Vine",
        95: "Wasps",
        96: "Water",
        # Random Weapon
        97: "tableWeapons",
        98: "Web",
        99: "Wet cement",
        100: "Wind"
tableMechanisms = {
        0: "Mechanisms",
        1: "Air pump",
        2: "Ball bearings",
        3: "Barrel",
        4: "Bars",
        5: "Basket",
        6: "Beam",
        7: "Bell",
        8: "Bellows",
        9: "Belt",
        10: "Bow",
        11: "Breaks",
        12: "Bucket",
        13: "Button",
        14: "Cable",
        15: "Cage",
        16: "Capstan",
        17: "Cartwheel",
        18: "Catapult",
        19: "Chain pull",
        20: "Chains",
        21: "Channel",
        22: "Claw",
        23: "Clock",
        24: "Copper wire",
        25: "Corridor",
        26: "Crane",
        27: "Creature",
        28: "Crossbow",
        29: "Curtain",
        30: "Cylinder",
        31: "Dial",
        32: "Door",
        33: "Drain",
        34: "Drum",
        35: "Fan",
        36: "Float",
        37: "Gears",
        38: "Grate",
        39: "Hamster wheel",
        40: "Handwheel",
        41: "Hook",
        42: "Hourglass",
        43: "Hydrogen tank",
        44: "Jack",
        45: "Ladder",
        46: "Latch",
        47: "Lens",
        48: "Lift",
        49: "Light beam",
        50: "Lock",
        51: "Mirror",
        52: "Net",
        53: "Paddle",
        54: "Pendulum",
        55: "Pin",
        56: "Pipes",
        57: "Pit",
        58: "Platform",
        59: "Plug",
        60: "Pneumatics",
        61: "Pole",
        62: "Portcullis",
        63: "Pressure plate",
        64: "Pulley",
        65: "Rack and pinion",
        66: "Rails",
        67: "Ramp",
        68: "Ratchet",
        69: "Reservoir",
        70: "Room",
        71: "Scales",
        72: "Scissor lift",
        73: "Screw",
        74: "Scoop",
        75: "Shaft",
        76: "Slide",
        77: "Sluice",
        78: "Sphere",
        79: "Spring",
        80: "Stairs",
        81: "Switch",
        82: "Tank treads",
        83: "Tap",
        84: "Thread",
        # Random Tool
        85: "tableTools",
        86: "Trap door",
        87: "Treadmill",
        88: "Trigger",
        89: "Tripwire",
        90: "Trolley",
        91: "Vacuum pump",
        92: "Valve",
        93: "Vice",
        94: "Walls",
        95: "Water pump",
        96: "Waterwheel",
        97: "Wedge",
        98: "Weights",
        99: "Winch",
        100: "Windmill"
tableActivities = {
        0: "Activities",
        1: "Ambushing",
        2: "Arguing",
        3: "Awarding",
        4: "Beautifying",
        5: "Befouling",
        6: "Begging",
        7: "Besieging",
        8: "Birthing",
        9: "Blessing",
        10: "Brawling",
        11: "Building",
        12: "Burgling",
        13: "Burying",
        14: "Camping",
        15: "Capturing",
        16: "Carving",
        17: "Celebrating",
        18: "Chasing",
        19: "Cleaning",
        20: "Clearing",
        21: "Climbing ",
        22: "Collecting",
        23: "Competing",
        24: "Convening",
        25: "Cooking",
        26: "Courting",
        27: "Crafting",
        28: "Cursing",
        29: "Dancing",
        30: "Defacing",
        31: "Defending",
        32: "Delivering",
        33: "Destroying",
        34: "Dousing",
        35: "Dueling",
        36: "Dying",
        37: "Eating",
        # Random Effect
        38: "tableEffects",
        39: "Escaping",
        40: "Escorting",
        41: "Excavating",
        42: "Executing",
        43: "Feasting",
        44: "Fighting",
        45: "Fleeing",
        46: "Foraging",
        47: "Fortifying",
        48: "Gambling",
        # Random Goal
        49: "tableGoals",
        50: "Guarding",
        51: "Harvesting",
        52: "Hauling",
        53: "Healing",
        54: "Hiding",
        55: "Igniting",
        56: "Infiltrating",
        57: "Initiating",
        58: "Instructing",
        59: "Kidnapping",
        60: "Looting",
        61: "Mapping",
        62: "Marrying",
        63: "Mission",
        64: "Mourning",
        65: "Murdering",
        66: "Pardoning",
        67: "Parleying",
        68: "Patrolling",
        69: "Performing",
        70: "Planning",
        71: "Planting",
        72: "Playing",
        73: "Praying",
        74: "Preaching",
        75: "Processing",
        76: "Questioning",
        77: "Repairing",
        78: "Rescuing",
        79: "Resting",
        80: "Rioting",
        81: "Robbing",
        82: "Sacrificing",
        83: "Scavenging",
        84: "Scouting",
        85: "Searching",

Views: 9


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